tiny & Tall : Gleipnir

  • #60, by pinsWednesday, 16. September 2015, 22:55 9 years ago
    Thanks a lot for your words both here and on facebook smile

    As for the verb wheel, I asked on twitter what people thought and got very convincing opinions from both sides. The best idea seems to be to include both and leave the choice to the player, but I don't know if this is going to be a good solution.

    I'm in the process of building a demo for Linux, but I have no way to check whether it works or not as I actually don't have any computer running Linux. Would anyone mind to tell me if this works/looks ok?


    66 Posts

  • #61, by afrlmeWednesday, 16. September 2015, 23:17 9 years ago
    Technically it would be possible to do both. You would still need to have multiple commands though. You would use an if query on mouse over / out & on mouse button hold / released to check if a command should be set on mouse over or if coin interface should show up when holding the mouse button over an object.

    Ideally though, it would be best to pick one command interface type & stick with it. Even with the Broken Sword command interface (single command) you still have the option for using left click for interaction & right click (at destination & / or immediate) for examining objects, items & other characters. In the end it's all up to what you prefer to use.


    7285 Posts

  • #62, by pinsWednesday, 16. September 2015, 23:36 9 years ago
    When I first wrote that paragraph, it ended with "if this is even possible", then I figured it would be a provocation to you and deleted it grin
    I definitely agree with you, though. I don't fancy the idea of having to drag that option for the whole game, it seems really heavy to me.


    66 Posts

  • #63, by afrlmeWednesday, 16. September 2015, 23:53 9 years ago
    Maybe you could create a mini-poll to to see what people like? There's plenty of free poll generators. Then again you could tell everyone else to stick it where the sun don't shine & just use whichever command interface you personally prefer. grin


    7285 Posts

  • #64, by pinsWednesday, 30. September 2015, 17:22 9 years ago
    I'm getting a bit scared with the transitions to Mac & Linux! I've seen the Mac demo running, some objects are invisible and the font is not the right colour.
    The Linux demo has its own problem, I've been told it sometimes crashes right at startup but that maybe creating an autosave as a very first action would help it. There also seems to be a problem with the menus.

    I'm not there yet, but when it comes to it, is there someone here I can ask for some help for these ports? Thanks smile


    66 Posts

  • #65, by afrlmeWednesday, 30. September 2015, 17:45 9 years ago
    David (BigStans) would probably be your best bet in sorting out the mac port. I believe he also has Linux running through a VM. I don't know how busy he is though, so you will just have to send him a message & see if he willing to help you out if he has time to spare.

    In regards to the font color on mac. We know about that. It's a bug with TTF / OTF fonts. Fonts will only display (albeit not in the correct color) if borders / shadows are disabled for TTF based fonts. If you enable borders / shadows then the texts will not be displayed at all. There's also various issues with TTF fonts for windows too.

    Your best bet would be to use the TTF system as is for now & hope that it will be fixed in a near future build of VS, or use the old image map based font system, which works correctly for all OS, as far as I'm aware.


    7285 Posts

  • #66, by pinsWednesday, 30. September 2015, 18:25 9 years ago
    That sounds like a great idea.
    The only problem I have with the fonts is that their colour is off. I guess maybe changing the RGB values accordingly would do the trick? Basically, they're supposed to be white/yellow, and they appear blue/cyan.

    I'm going to contact BigStans. The porting aspect is by far what troubles me the most about the project. Thanks, AFRLme!


    66 Posts

  • #67, by afrlmeWednesday, 30. September 2015, 18:36 9 years ago
    I think the mac version ends up coloring them all cyan at the minute. The fonts don't look as smooth as they should either.


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