SHADER Toolkit. Discussions, examples and other cool stuff!

  • #20, by PykeWednesday, 01. October 2014, 20:50 11 years ago
    Oh I can tell you it makes the game look INCREDIBLE. It looks 3D...the images really jump out at you. Its awesome man...just awesome!


    59 Posts

  • #21, by SimonSWednesday, 01. October 2014, 21:14 11 years ago

    I think I already wrote about that, if you move the spot light source further on z axis it's less pointy. But it will increase the intensity, so you need to change the falloff.

    e.g. here I changed it to 100.

    bind(shader_effects["light1"].num, "lights[0].position", point(inverty(scrollfix(offset(field("game.CurrentCharacter.Position"),{0,-80}))), 100))

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  • #22, by PykeWednesday, 01. October 2014, 21:39 11 years ago
    Ah sorry man - I was adjusting the depth on the shaderLamp itself.

    Some sort of WYSIWYG editor for these would be incredibly powerful - being able to adjust the setting and see the results without having to run the game. I know - pie in the sky!

    Really - to anyone on the fence about getting into these shaders - they are freaking amazing.


    59 Posts

  • #23, by SimonSWednesday, 01. October 2014, 21:46 11 years ago
    Yeah, I second that, could somebody please make an editor for that ? grin Maybe in the future, when the editor is rewritten and usable again, I plan to implement custom action parts and such. But that's so much into the future...

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  • #24, by PykeWednesday, 01. October 2014, 22:20 11 years ago
    Ill get right on it! grin


    59 Posts

  • #25, by vectracocoThursday, 02. October 2014, 10:20 11 years ago
    SimonS, effects of light shaders are really impressive. Congratulations.
    Visionaire seems that it has caught much advantage over the other engines.
    I'm sad that I have no time to enjoy all this. I hope my situation to change soon and be able to start working on my own adventure.
    Thank you for all this so exciting.wink


    19 Posts

  • #26, by JackMcRipFriday, 03. October 2014, 12:05 11 years ago
    Is the screen out of visionaire???

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  • #27, by afrlmeFriday, 03. October 2014, 12:28 11 years ago
    Yeah, using the new shader lighting options in lua script. He's created a spotlight (flashlight) here which is fixed to the current character & the target is based on the mouse position.


    7286 Posts

  • #28, by ke4Friday, 03. October 2014, 14:50 11 years ago
    Wow, it's awesome :-)

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #29, by unrealSunday, 05. October 2014, 17:09 11 years ago
    Awesometastic ! There's some kind of tutorial to use it ? I've tried without success to run the scripts on the topic, and I think I'm not alone to struggle with the Spotlight Shader. Can somebody help the newbies ? confuse


    66 Posts

  • #30, by afrlmeSunday, 05. October 2014, 18:05 11 years ago
    First things first. You need to include the shader toolkit script as a definition script in your game to be able to use the shader functions or write your own.

    I have started writing example pages for each of the available functions @ here. Unfortunately I haven't gotten round to creating pages for each of the functions yet. I typed up more before the new wiki, but we lost some of the data for the wiki a little while ago & thus I have to redo those pages again. Also I will probably need Simon's help in typing up the pages to do with the lighting section of the shader as he will be able to explain what each lighting parameter is etc.

    P.S: I will be including a working .ved on the shader function pages. I've already created .ved's for a few of them. Check the resource section.


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