i think with the default action text option you can make is not a suitable option here. You have no possibility to rearrange the text position for this. So select "do not draw action text" here.
Nevertheless you are able to set action text boxes for interfaces, too. So the texts here can be bound to an interface and the interface can be moved to cursor.x / cursor.y - 10 to display the interface 10 pixel above the cursor. The tricky part here is to reposition the interface on mouse movement.
for starting purposes set up an additional interface , call it "action_text", no need for any buttons or background and define an action text area in it via the Action Area tool:
(third icon with that "T" in it). Draw a small rectanlge at the top. It doesnt need to be big because the action text which gets displayed can break the boundaries...
in the interface properties set the position "ABSOLUTE" and define some offset (if later needed - maybe gets anyway overwritten by the script you need to update its position)
Also enable the checkbox "show action text".
check the checkbox in the characters interface tab , so that the char can use this interface.
Go to the script workspace in Visionaire and add a definition script. Add this:
function onMouseEvent(eventType, mousePosition)
if eventType == eEvtMouseMove and (game.CurrentObject:getId().tableId == eObjects or game.CurrentObject:getId().tableId == eCharacters) then
Interfaces["action_text"]:to(0, { InterfaceOffset = {x = getCursorPos().x, y = getCursorPos().y - 10 } })
Interfaces["action_text"]:to(0, { InterfaceOffset = {x = 0, y = -100 } })
registerEventHandler("mouseEvent", "onMouseEvent", {eEvtMouseMove})
if the mouse is not under any object/character , the interface gets "ported" to 0 / -100 to prevent the text from jumping around
the 10 is the offset to the current cursor position. So "-10" would reposition that interface 10 pixel above the cursors y position.
EDIT: tested , added some corrections to my text
EDIT2: edited a some major points

EDIT3: for the "go to" verb you dont need to set any Command name. By that the standard "go to" command/cursor has no visible text.