SCUMM template (Visionaire RC0)

  • #60, by afrlmeSunday, 04. June 2017, 03:09 8 years ago
    @ Sebastian: the advanced menu contains an older version of my config.ini script than the one I shared on the wiki. It's similar, but less optimized & less pretty. grin


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  • #61, by gabartsSunday, 04. June 2017, 09:27 8 years ago
    Could you link me to the config.ini and language wiki section? Anyway, if it can be controlled through actions, now for example I have an interface in english. My interface has a basic background inactive image which is made by all the verbs + inventory slots. And then the active verbs images. For the italian interface I load background and images directly in the main interface or I create a new one and then use "set interface" in the button where I want to switch language? And with actions part how to load all the text in new language? If possible I would like to avoid scripting... smile

    (I've figured out how to make the whole thing, but it's normal that I have a big list of Unnamed under text section?!)


    There is this big problem: I've noticed that adding new elements, like another duplicate of the main interface, all hotspots/items, commands are bound to linked commands in the interface, even if it's a duplicate... so I cannot use 2 interfaces. But I can load only 1 image for active buttons in the interface, so how to load a new one?!

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  • #62, by sebastianSunday, 04. June 2017, 12:22 8 years ago
    make the buttons which set the command without an image. Just the object polygons to make them clickable. Then make for each verb a button, type " action area" make them only visible through a condition (which gets true for language 1) and there you add inactive/active images for this particular language. 
    The same for each other language(s). 

    So you have one clickable object for the command and "n" nonclickable objects which represent the verbs for the current language.

    The active image should get changed in the mouse enter action of the original command button. there you can set them active at once and inactive at once when the mouse leaves again. 

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  • #63, by sebastianSunday, 04. June 2017, 12:58 8 years ago
    I can browse only 1 active image...

    Then I've made all the text translations setting the new language but when I change the default language nothing happens, the text remains the default one.
    as mentioned you need to divide your command buttons from the graphical representation of them.
    The command button only needs the polygon so you can set the command.
    Then for EACH language you have to create a NEW button (type: action area, no polygon) and give them the inactive/active image for one language and also set a condition so that they only show up if the language (and its condition) is set to true.

    Regarding multilingual scumm verb buttons it is may easier to use object text in the first place, but this involves (a little bit) of lua to change the object texts font.

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  • #64, by gabartsSunday, 04. June 2017, 14:56 8 years ago
    Ok, I have to separate all the buttons (only keep inventory slots in the main bacground image) for inactive zone. I've made all the translation in the fields where character is speaking but when I switch the default language it keeps the main one, in english... why?

    Here the situation in the text tab...

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  • #65, by sebastianSunday, 04. June 2017, 15:15 8 years ago
    You translate from english to english. 
    Just click one of the flag icons on the right side to show a different language. 

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  • #66, by gabartsSunday, 04. June 2017, 15:23 8 years ago
    No, I've translated changing the icon, inside each zone i've first switched the language flag then translated. What is the part Visionaire need to recognize as text translated, the second one?!

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  • #67, by gabartsTuesday, 06. June 2017, 19:10 8 years ago
    All done! The template is basically finished, technically speaking... I just need to complete the little story (that will be even harder...). It won't be something new from the tutorials or material you can already find, but it's been fun to learn the software and have this done in more or less some weeks. Thanks to Sebastian, AFRLme and others who have constantly helped me. Once finished I'll update in the first post and share, could be helpful for people like me who have just started with Visionaire.

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  • #68, by gabartsMonday, 19. June 2017, 10:05 8 years ago
    I've used the particle system for one scene, how can I stop it with command? Thanks

    [SOLVED] I've figured it out, assigned particle to an object (effects)

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  • #69, by gabartsMonday, 17. July 2017, 11:38 8 years ago
    The SCUMM template is ready for download. Thanks for all the help (especially Marco Ronco, Sebastian, AFRLme)

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