Scene Zoom

  • #10, by dos4gwSaturday, 19. September 2015, 04:44 9 years ago
    Can the shader toolkit be used in games that will be put up for sell?


    69 Posts

  • #11, by SimonSSaturday, 19. September 2015, 11:01 9 years ago

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    1582 Posts

  • #12, by ke4Saturday, 19. September 2015, 11:30 9 years ago
    I'm currently doing something with shader viewport and when i zoom the screen the objects (active area) stays unzoomed. Is there something i can do to fix it?

    + i'm getting this error to this line of code

    Error: ShaderSetOptions: An option has not the format string=integer

    shaderBlur(1.6, 1000)

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #13, by SimonSSaturday, 19. September 2015, 19:42 9 years ago
    Ignore the error.

    With the next version of the toolkit interactivity is added, so you can zoom in and interact.

    Thread Captain

    1582 Posts

  • #14, by ke4Sunday, 20. September 2015, 13:30 9 years ago
    Nice one smile

    Key Killer

    810 Posts

  • #15, by blablo_101Wednesday, 17. October 2018, 13:52 6 years ago
    I´m using  "shaderFollowCharacter" to zoom in on the character.

    Is there a solution for the offset issue?

    Also, the particles are displaced as the image shows.


    70 Posts

  • #16, by esmeraldaThursday, 18. October 2018, 08:42 6 years ago
    I've got the same problem. In an earlier version of visionaire 5 the zoom on character was confined to the sceene. Now the image moves out of the screen.

    Key Killer

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