Release for iOS via Apple Appstore?

  • #1, by crankschenkMonday, 05. August 2019, 17:38 5 years ago
    Hi there,

    is somewhere a tutorial for releasing a game for iOS via Apple Appstore?
    I did some games with unity, so I had to use xcode for the xcode project that is created by Unity.
    But the Visionaire creates a ipa file. How do I manage this?

    best regards


    100 Posts

  • #2, by trepnWednesday, 14. August 2019, 11:47 5 years ago
    • Become an Apple Developer (costs €99,- a year), sign up at
    • Create an iOS Distribution certificate, you can find this in the developer portal, additional documentation can be found here.
    • Install the certificate on your system
    • Create a provisioning profile for your app and download it, see documentation here.
    • On a Mac, download app resign xcode project
    • Build and run the project
    • Select your previously installed certificate from the dropdown.
    • Select you previously created provisioning profile
    • Fill in Application ID, App display name, App version as desired (this must correspond with the names in the developer portal and later iTunes Connect)
    • Create a new app in iTunes Connect, documentation here.
    • Download Application Loader from the Mac App store on your Mac
    • Upload your resigned IPA to the iTunes Connect with Application Loader, documentation here


    60 Posts

  • #3, by crankschenkWednesday, 14. August 2019, 17:56 5 years ago

    thank you for the info. I wrote some mails with simon about this last week, because I had some problems with the certificates. There are some keys that I had to change or delete in the Info.plist file (Simon told me to do this), but it is still not working. The Application Loader is asking for missing icons (which I added - still not working), the certificates dont seem to be correct, ... and so on.

    I guess, I have to start again from the beginning. roll

    I asked simon to write down a short tutorial for the wiki. It could be usefull for all of us.

    best regards


    100 Posts