Pause/save game Menu

  • #1, by ygmantellThursday, 01. October 2015, 21:07 10 years ago
    I want to have a button on the bottom of the screen that when you click on it, makes a pause menu appear, with options such as Resume, Save, Main Menu, etc.
    How do I do this, without changing the scene?

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  • #2, by ygmantellThursday, 01. October 2015, 21:12 10 years ago
    After looking around, i found out that this is not possible. Though if I do a change scene action, and change the scene to a menu, how does that work. Does everything go back to its place when you go back?

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  • #3, by tristan-kangThursday, 01. October 2015, 21:19 10 years ago
    Play 'The Dark Inside Me'. You will see this is possible.

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  • #4, by ygmantellThursday, 01. October 2015, 21:21 10 years ago
    ok, so it is ... How?

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  • #5, by afrlmeThursday, 01. October 2015, 21:27 10 years ago
    There is an action part "save memory to scene". You could use that & then use the show scene / menu action part to go to a menu. Show scene / menu action will not teleport the character to the new scene. When you are done in the menu, you can use a go to scene of character action.

    P.S: the names of the action parts I just mentioned are probably not the actual names of them. I just don't remember them off the top of my head.

    The button part is easy, as is displaying an overlay menu on top of a scene. Just use interfaces. wink

    The only thing you will not be able to do with the interfaces is create a save / load menu with the default save system, as that requires you to create save slots which can only be done on menu scenes.


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  • #6, by tristan-kangThursday, 01. October 2015, 21:33 10 years ago
    It's Keep Scene in memory action part I guess.

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  • #7, by afrlmeThursday, 01. October 2015, 21:38 10 years ago
    It's Keep Scene in memory action part I guess.

    Aye, that will be the one. I don't have the best of memory - especially for names.


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  • #8, by tristan-kangThursday, 01. October 2015, 21:42 10 years ago
    I don't have the best of memory - especially for names.

    Shouldn't that be critical for coders and scripters?

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  • #9, by afrlmeThursday, 01. October 2015, 21:56 10 years ago
    Nah! that's why we have methods for adding comments to our code / scripts.

    I script most things in VS so I don't often bother with the large majority of action parts. When I need a refresher of the data structure field & table names I just check on the wiki. & if I don't remember what something I wrote is for in one of my scripts then no worries as I've probably added comments above or to the side of most lines & functions to allow me to jog my memory.

    My most used action part list consists of: if condition, if value, if character is on scene, change scene, show scene / menu, end if, pause, begin / end cutscene, show / hide cursor & display text.

    In regards to Lua functions: I remember a lot of them because I use them quite often & it's only a step away to refresh my memory if I've forgotten something. One word - well technically it's a name: Google.

    I doubt every programmer remembers every class name, every function for all the different scripting / programming languages they have learned. We don't come pre-built with photographic memory! razz


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  • #10, by tristan-kangThursday, 01. October 2015, 22:02 10 years ago
    I've probably added comments above or to the side of most lines & functions to allow me to jog my memory.

    Anyone can touch Wiki. Imagine if someone removed your comment. lol Well there is always backup.

    Photographic Memory! That's why I didn't study well but got high grade... But ages change my memory... Damn. roll

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  • #11, by afrlmeThursday, 01. October 2015, 22:13 10 years ago
    The only people that can edit the VS wiki are people that me or David create accounts for. Essentially me, David, Alex, Simon, Thomas & the engine itself (some of the pages are automated by code in the engine - most however are written by me or the devs).

    In regards to access: I disabled registration & limited guests to read only permissions. It's only a wiki in the traditional sense that it's wiki CMS from the people behind Wikipedia.


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