When you say mouseUP, you are talking about listening out for actual mouse movement on the y-axis & not left mouse button release?
We don't have an event handler for mouse directions, but you can listen out for mouse movements & check the current position on the y-axis from the position where the user pressed the mouse button down to see if they move the mouse up or down enough to execute the line/function that should update the number.
Sorry. Let me clarify
When holding the left mouse button down, and user moves mouse in circle, animation dial animates fwd or reverse UNTIL user releases mouse button ("mouseUP").
The script I used in another application coverted the mouse coordinates to a 0-360 degree and I used that to determine which animation sprite to display.
The old code looked like this:
on mouseDown
repeat while the mouseDown -- LOOP
a= GetAngle ( (the mouseH, the mouseV) - sprite[Num].loc )
getDialNum a, sprite[Num]
end repeat
on GetAngle thePoint
set x to the locH of thePoint
set y to the locV of thePoint
if y = 0 then set angle to 90
else set angle to atan(float(x) / y) * -180/pi()
if y >= 0 then set angle to 180 + angle
else if x = 0 and angle = 270 then set angle to 90
return angle
on getDialNum theAngle, theSpriteNum
put 260 - (theAngle/6) into absDialNum
set newDialNum = absDialNum + tolerance
if newDialNum 259 then set newDialNum = 199 + (newDialNum - 259)
put absDialNum into prevAbsDialNum
rotateDial newDialNum, theSpriteNum, startDialNum