line break in strings?

  • #1, by constantinThursday, 15. March 2018, 17:15 7 years ago
    I know I can break lines in dialogues. But is it also possible to insert line breaks in strings? I tried "test\test" but when I use the string in a display text, the "\"just gets ignored. 

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  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 15. March 2018, 17:58 7 years ago
    \n is new line, but I don't know if it would work with Lua script & displayed text. I don't think I've actually tried using it in strings, only in the scripts I use for writing data to external files.


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  • #3, by constantinThursday, 15. March 2018, 18:39 7 years ago
    thank you - i have tried this also. does work in lua directly, but not in displayed texts. probably have to stick to the automatic line breaks.

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