#6, by wischnikSaturday, 11. November 2017, 13:06 7 years ago
jeah, sure.
i am in the process of setting up a really straight single-click interface.
there are two main commands: LOOK AT and MAKE USE OF — one for examination, one for interaction. you can switch between these commands with a simple right click anytime anywhere. whereas LOOK AT is a really simple command, MAKE USE OF has some situational "subcommands". when i hover over a person with the MAKE USE command for example it changes automatically to a TALK TO command and vice versa.
when i click on an inventory item with the MAKE USE OF command the command changes to a USE "ITEM" WITH command while simultaneously "dragging" the item. now comes the tricky part: when i am in the process of doing so and decide to kill the dragged item, i have to right-click. when i do this the command falls back to a USE command without item. this is very much unwanted because the USE "ITEM" WITH command is exclusively meant for dragged items. it is supposed to automatically fall back to the MAKE USE OF command without an additional manual step in between.
you see what i mean?