Dialog bug

  • #1, by LupaShivaTuesday, 30. September 2014, 19:17 10 years ago
    Hello everyone i think i discovered a bug in the dialogs, i tried to copy/paste an entire dialog from a character but to the same character and actually it copy pasted a layer, and now i try to delete the layer it was copy/pasted and it deletes the dialog layer pasted and the one was copied, dont know if im explaining myself clear, it clear both the layers the one was copy and the pasted, and cant find the way to resolve this, i even updated visinaire to last version, and even tried a condition to only show if its true but again it affects both the copied layer and the pasted layed, how can i fix this please?

    Thank you

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  • #2, by AlexWednesday, 01. October 2014, 00:57 10 years ago
    so far I could not reproduce this bug. Can you give a more detailed step by step description and maybe post some screenshots?

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  • #3, by LupaShivaWednesday, 01. October 2014, 12:37 10 years ago

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  • #4, by AlexWednesday, 01. October 2014, 12:59 10 years ago
    very strange - I still could not reproduce it. you're using the latest version 4.1, right? when did you create this dialog? does the problem also occur when you create a new dialog and then try to copy&paste it?

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  • #5, by LupaShivaWednesday, 01. October 2014, 18:05 10 years ago
    I was using 3,6 when bug happened, upgraded to 4.1 and bug still there, i created the dialog in 3,6, and no i tried in other chars and it doesnt happens, only happened that time, and now i cant get rid of it =(

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  • #6, by AlexWednesday, 01. October 2014, 18:18 10 years ago
    Only chance I can do something about it is if you send me your ved file (pm), then I could have a look at it. If it's a small dialog then just recreate the dialog.

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  • #7, by LupaShivaWednesday, 01. October 2014, 19:15 10 years ago
    Actually its not a small dialog =( have a lot of conditions, voice overs and a lot of work there =( i would really like to resolve the bug, want me to send you only the ved file or export team file?

    Thank you for all the support =)

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  • #8, by LupaShivaWednesday, 01. October 2014, 19:49 10 years ago
    Now i discovered that since i updated from 3,6 to 4,1 theres some scenarios that wont appear! but i open in visionaire 3,6 and its all ok! anyone can help me?

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  • #9, by AlexWednesday, 01. October 2014, 22:22 10 years ago
    send me a PM with your email, so I can contact you for the ved-file.

    theres some scenarios that wont appear! but i open in visionaire 3,6 and its all ok! anyone can help me?

    probably not - unless you provide a better description of your problem. Maybe that's something I can have a look at once I got your ved-file.

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  • #10, by MachtnixWednesday, 01. October 2014, 23:50 10 years ago
    Wenn ich komplette Dialogbäume kopiere und darunter wieder einfüge, habe ich Total-Abstürze auch in 3.7, in 4 beta und in 4 RC gehabt. Ich war deshalb der Meinung, Dialogbäume (mit Unterdialogen und Bedingungen) lassen sich nicht kopieren und habe es bleiben lassen.
    Allerdings habe ich meine ved-Datei von 3.7 bis 4.01 immer "weitergereicht" - möglich also, dass sich Altlasten darin ansammeln?


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  • #11, by MachtnixThursday, 02. October 2014, 03:28 10 years ago
    Maybe the source dialog and the copy/pasted one have the same ID, so if he delete one of them the other one will be deleted too. Or Vis THINK both are the same and treat them as one thing together. Maybe LupaShiva wants to say this.
    I remarked this problem by copying parts of dialogs into another dialog (because I'm lazy to write the same text 20 times...) - but if I change the old one (another text input) the new one will be changed too. Like magic. The only solution was to write a completely new dialog part, never COPY dialogs or parts of them...

    It's the same to copy an outfit - cause wrong results similar to that.


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