#1, by BarneyMonday, 29. July 2013, 23:07 12 years ago
OK, just for future posts: it so happens that questions don't pop up in my head one at a time, they usually come in bunches. Should I create individual threads for each question or group them like I did here?
Anyway, here's what's on my mind now:
1) Is there a way to make it so that every dialogue line is followed by an infinite pause? Currently I have to add after every line to achieve this effect, but it's a real chore.
2) There's a zombie in my game, and I want to give him the typical slow zombie walk: step ahead, pause, moan, another step. However, I'm doing my best to assure that the game has a realistic look, i.e. characters' movement speed, animation cycles and walking sounds are synchronized in a way that creates an illusion that they are actually walking like real people, touching ground at the appropriate time and all that. So I actually need my zombie to stop on screen, dropping his character speed to zero, and wait a second before he starts to move again. Is there a way to do that? (I'm guessing I would need to use LUA, right?)
3) I need a way to detect if the character has walked into a certain trigger zone. For starters, when he walks across the street and enters the house (all on the same screen), I want to change the sound of his footsteps. How do I activate the change when he steps over the threshold? Also, there's a scene where a monster starts advancing towards the hero and he has a limited time to solve the puzzle, otherwise the monster gets close and catches him. If I'm not mistaken I can create a monster character and move him using the "send character to position" command, but how do I detect that the hero and the monster are touching each other and it's time for a game over cutscene?
This is a major problem for me. I don't think I can make my game without this kind of collision detection. Any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated.