Competition: We are searching for a new official demo game for Visionaire Studio 4.x

  • #10, by andiliddellThursday, 23. October 2014, 10:18 10 years ago
    I'd be really interested in creating something for this. Just need to squeeze it around all my other commitments smile

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  • #11, by AlexThursday, 23. October 2014, 10:23 10 years ago

    And there is another great point: If we read and write often in english - we're learning by doing. wink

    exactly, that's the best way of learning it. I think you shouldn't have much difficulties to label all the objects in the Editor in English. And it doesn't have to be perfect, but otherwise non-German speakers have no chance of understanding the ved-file.

    Then I'd recommend you to create 2 languages 'Deutsch' and 'English' in your game and start writing the texts in German (make sure to set the German flag next to the text control). When you're finished you can use the text export to translate everything. Either you translate it on your own or maybe you can find somebody to help you (either for translation or just for proofreading).

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  • #12, by MachtnixSunday, 26. October 2014, 16:42 10 years ago
    1. I want to say something general: if somebody hasn't an own forum account, he can't see some threads. For example: he can't see the "competition"-thread (in English) about the new demo game. He don't know what I'm talking about.

    Solution: It depends on the language button in the right corner. If you activate "Deutsch" you can't see the English postings (with the Union Jack flag) and if you activate "English" you can't see the German threads. In my login settings I activated "follow both laguages" so I couldn't remark what's the problem.

    2. What does
    (ideally your story should be a fun interactive/informative tutorial on Visionaire Studio itself)
    . means? Should I make a game about Visionaire itself, like "Captain Zack learns how to make a game in Visionaire"...? That sounds silly and doesn't make sense.

    3. I can vote twice (or more). I tried it and the poll side jumps directly to the result without warning "you have already voted".


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  • #13, by afrlmeSunday, 26. October 2014, 20:32 10 years ago
    1. For me the language separation in the forum should be abandoned. There should be no choice. People should try to post in English & optionally in their own language underneath their attempt at posting in English, like most universal forums. VS is no longer exclusively German & there are a lot of members like myself that understand/speak little to no German at all, whereas there are more people that understand English or at least enough to get by.

    2. I mean a sort of guide/tutorial. Think of it as teaching. Like the on screen tutorials/helpers that show up while playing some games. It's completely optional though; you can make the demo about whatever you like, but it's a technical demo that is supposed to showcase what can be done/achieved with Visionaire Studio & how easy it is to use.

    3. hmm I guess the poll security thing lied to me then.


    7285 Posts

  • #14, by AlexSunday, 26. October 2014, 23:45 10 years ago
    1. For me the language separation in the forum should be abandoned. There should be no choice. People should try to post in English & optionally in their own language underneath their attempt at posting in English, like most universal forums. VS is no longer exclusively German & there are a lot of members like myself that understand/speak little to no German at all, whereas there are more people that understand English or at least enough to get by.

    exactly my thoughts. I'm browsing the forum when I'm not logged in quite often and I have to change the language and click the forum link again and again to see all threads. And people who don't know about the language selection miss those threads completely (as I did in the beginning). When you're logged in you can set your preferred language (which is fine) but when I'm not logged in I'd like to see all threads.

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  • #15, by marvelMonday, 27. October 2014, 00:42 10 years ago
    Please focus on the competition in this thread smile

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  • #16, by andiliddellTuesday, 28. October 2014, 10:24 10 years ago
    I'm already under-way with mine!!

    Really exciting starting a fresh project and a great challenge to keep the design and story short enough to achieve in a few months, whilst still making it fun to play AND hitting as many VS features as possible.

    If I could just have a few weeks off work razz

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  • #17, by afrlmeTuesday, 28. October 2014, 12:13 10 years ago
    Well... good news for you then, as we intend on expanding the deadline by another month. wink

    Also Thomas is working on a newsletter with all the final details in regards to the competition which should be finished shortly. He sent me it yesterday to look over/edit.


    7285 Posts

  • #18, by andiliddellTuesday, 28. October 2014, 13:06 10 years ago
    Great news!, although the tight deadline was helping to keep my ideas reigned in a bit smile

    look forward to the newsletter

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  • #19, by afrlmeTuesday, 28. October 2014, 13:52 10 years ago
    2 months is not much time. You could use the extra time for bug squashing & polishing or maybe for implementing additional ideas you get later on. You can submit your final version any time before the deadline also, if you are happy with what you have done.


    7285 Posts

  • #20, by Herbert123Saturday, 01. November 2014, 08:14 10 years ago
    In the competition rules it states that the assets must be created by us, or own the copyright and free from third party licenses.

    I am wondering: are creative commons attribution 3.0 files acceptable? (as long as we attribute to the original creator they can be freely reused and distributed, also commercially).


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