Anyone ported to Linux and uploaded to Steam?

  • #30, by MachtnixSaturday, 10. June 2017, 00:28 7 years ago
    The player links in the wiki don't get updated anymore, these links are for 4.2.5. The new players for v5 need to be downloaded via the editor and are then in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Visionaire Editor\platform.</user></blockquote> OK, well then, but I didn't found a way to download from there. Clicking on "download needed" doesn't care.
    You can also just use the player in drift.
    I think it's the best idea ever. *lol*

    I will copy it into the platform folder.

    But now it doesn't make any sense, because I haven't a 64bit-Linux to test the game.
    If they are desperate they can still use WINE and the windows player, that works with 32bit.
    Yeah, but I wasn't able to activate any program in Wine (Wine is terrible to understand). I use Linux as an alternative OS, I still use Windows mostly, but some friends are "hard core": no Windows, no Wine... (sounds like "no women, no cry...")!

    edit: text looks correctly in the preview... this quote-tag is a miracle...

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  • #31, by MachtnixSaturday, 10. June 2017, 00:53 7 years ago
    Well, I give up for now. I copied the into the platform-folder, deleted drift.vis and config.ini, renamed the zip into, but the R5 doesn't find it. It's still a demand to download (it's no source link). OK, I'm waiting for the final R5 now; I think it's too much time to waste for nothing.

    @Sebastian: I agree. F.e.: the link to the Java-SDK is wrong (for Android-builder), because it's a newer SDK-version now. All this instructions are very... very... SHORT and without statements. Poor Daedalic...

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  • #32, by SimonSSaturday, 10. June 2017, 01:16 7 years ago
    Did you just click on build as I said ? It will download on its own.

    Some of the devs is always me. I hate the current structure (it's strayed over many pages), but I can't do everything on my own. As long it's not the final version, I will not have the time to write it down.

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  • #33, by MachtnixSaturday, 10. June 2017, 01:30 7 years ago
    Ah, I think, it was the firewall. I hate this Win7 firewall, it's a mayhem too (you have to guess how to allow connections or not...). Because for 98% of my downloads I use the browser and 2% is only Avira updater wink

    The building runs. Whow. Hm, I can ask someone to check it in Linux now...

    Thanks ( but it doesn't seem logical to press the build button FIRST when you remarks that building isn't possible... it's for guys who never read manuals or who click immediately on every button... *lol*).

    It's a good idea and surely fine, that Visionaire makes a zip-file for me, but how can I change the full-screen-option in the build-menu before building? So I have to extract the zip, have to edit the config.ini from yes to no (I can't edit the file in the zip), and have to make the zip again... wink I think, it's a dummy way, isn't it?

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  • #34, by sebastianSaturday, 10. June 2017, 02:06 7 years ago
    Some of the devs is always me. I hate the current structure (it's strayed over many pages), but I can't do everything on my own. As long it's not the final version, I will not have the time to write it down.
    oh, thought that bigstans is also involved... and marvel at least "knowing whats up" to be also able to get stuff like the "public handbook" done (in the future) smile 

    + Lee as the external "knows how stuff is done and vitamine B knowledge" guy

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  • #35, by MachtnixSunday, 11. June 2017, 21:44 7 years ago
    Is it correct, that an exported Linux-game from R 4.2.5 doesn't work (even Linux is now 64 bit)? Only from the R 5? I tried a lot and overwrite the old Visplayer and all dlls (Visplayer has a different size), but a game from 4.2.5 doesn't start. Built from R5 does. So the game.vis itself is different, isn't it?

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  • #36, by SimonSTuesday, 13. June 2017, 00:06 7 years ago
    A vis file made with v5 will not work with v4. The other way round works.

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  • #37, by MachtnixTuesday, 13. June 2017, 00:29 7 years ago
    A vis file made with v5 will not work with v4. The other way round works.
    A vis file is a finale game file, right? So what means "will not work in v4"? I can't go back to v4 and edit it, you mean the ved-file? Thats ok.

    My question was: I have two vis-player for Linux (in zip) and I have two Visionaire release folders. One of them is made for the R4 (the older one,16310 KB from 16.11.2016), and the newer one has been downloaded by building a game from R5 (17441 KB from 17.4.2017).

    Of course I use the player which fit to the Viseditor. Making a Linux game with the old player in 4.2.5 and making a Linux game with the new player in 5. But the game from the old one doesn't work. So I suspect that the old player was still wrong the whole time.

    Because some animations don't work properly in R5 I can't use the R5 for building some Linux and Windows games. Windows isn't the problem (because works both, I can still use the old release), but Linux. Animations run in 4.2.5, so I tried to use the old one for that.

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  • #38, by MachtnixTuesday, 13. June 2017, 14:45 7 years ago
    So langsam wird es nervig: vorgestern noch ein Linux-Spiel aus R5 erstellt, aber heute steht dort folgende Meldung (Bild).
    Im Platform-Ordner befindet sich die (unausgepackt) wie vorher auch schon.
    Runterladen beim Spielerstellen klappt nicht (aber es ging zwei Tage zuvor). Soll ich wieder was aus "Drift" hineinkopieren oder was?

    edit: meine Befürchtung ist, dass sich R 4.2.5 und R5 irgendwelche Bibliotheken oder Config-Dateien teilen. Da ich öfter mal beide Editoren hintereinander öffnen muss, um ein brauchbares Spiel für Linux zu erstellen, kann ich mir vorstellen, dass sich da was verhaspelt. Ich merke das daran, dass R5 beim Öffnen mir eine Datei, die in 4.2.5 erstellt wurde, als zuletzt geöffnet vorschlägt, obwohl R5 die gar nicht kennen darf und auch noch nie geöffnet hatte... Da werden also dieselben Vorgaben eingelesen.

    edit2: übrigens funktioniert jetzt kein neu erstelltes Spiel mehr, egal, ob aus 4.2.5 oder 5, egal, ob auf ausführbar oder nicht... wink wink

    Das Terminal gibt mir beim Öffnen der 4.2.5-Version folgende Meldung aus:
    ./visplayer: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by ./visplayer)
    ./visplayer: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by ./visplayer)
    ./visplayer: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.21' not found (required by ./visplayer)
    It looks like the player crashed! If you need support, please include the
    contents of the log file in your problem report.
    Unfortunately, no log file has been created!

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  • #39, by MachtnixTuesday, 13. June 2017, 20:52 7 years ago
    Ich hab eine Lösung gefunden:

    Im Terminal folgendes installieren:
     sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install libstdc++6-4.7-dev
    sudo apt-get install libstdc++6

    Tipp von

    Das in XP 32bit in 4.2.5 mit dem ALTEN Linuxplayer erstellte Spiel läuft auf Linux 17 Quiana 64 bit, auch mit allen Animationen.

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