Anyone ported to Linux and uploaded to Steam?

  • #20, by sebastianFriday, 09. June 2017, 20:32 7 years ago
    I would love to see a step by step guide (for dummies - like those who doesn't even know how to open the terminal in linux so even that should be explained) for the export procedure for each platform wink
    The instructions in the wiki seem to be a bit too unclear for a lot of people

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  • #21, by MachtnixFriday, 09. June 2017, 20:39 7 years ago
    Folgende Meldung erscheint:

    *** ~/Schreibtisch/Rohrspiel $ chmod +x start
    *** ~/Schreibtisch/Rohrspiel $ chmod +x visplayer
    *** ~/Schreibtisch/Rohrspiel $ ./start
    unsupported architecture i686

    Das Spiel wurde in XP 32 bit, Vis 4.2.5, erstellt und soll in Linux mint mate 17.1 32 bit geöffnet werden.

    The following message appears:

    *** ~/Schreibtisch/Rohrspiel $ chmod +x start
    *** ~/Schreibtisch/Rohrspiel $ chmod +x visplayer
    *** ~/Schreibtisch/Rohrspiel $ ./start
    unsupported architecture i686

    The game was created in XP 32 bit, Vis 4.2.5, and is to be opened in Linux mint mate 17.1 32 bit.

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  • #22, by SimonSFriday, 09. June 2017, 20:42 7 years ago
    Den Linuxplayer gibt es nur in 64bit. Dein System ist 32bit.

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  • #23, by sebastianFriday, 09. June 2017, 20:46 7 years ago
    Den Steamplayer gibt es nur in 64bit. Dein System ist 32bit.
    *visplayer smile

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  • #24, by MachtnixFriday, 09. June 2017, 20:50 7 years ago
    WTF! It should be possible to make a simple Linux game from 4.2.5 for a standard 32 bit system! Wiki says thats possible since 4.0., so it should be possible in 4.2.5, right? I don't need steam (yeah, the thread is about, sorry), but FIRST I need a running Linux game for a standard situation.

    PLEASE, tell me exactly, WHAT is working (which version, which player and which system) and what not. There is still NO information and about months there are only rumours in the forum! Yes, I can use the r5 to build a game, but ONLY for that. The r5 is on 64 bit Win7, but Linux NOT (its 32 bit).


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  • #25, by MachtnixFriday, 09. June 2017, 21:29 7 years ago
    I'm now in Windows7 64bit (Visionaire 4.2.5 is still 32 bit and was automatically installed in Programme(x86) months ago). I can make a Linux game from that. But in the current r5 it isn't available. BTW: Studio 5 is also automatically installed in Programme(x86). So I don't know if its 64 bit or not. What I have to do now if I want to create a RUNNING Linux game???

    I copied all zip-files I can get into the platform-folder and the message now is: "download needed". Yeah, it's better than "not available", isn't it? I think it's shit at the moment and doesn't work...

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  • #26, by SimonSFriday, 09. June 2017, 23:26 7 years ago
    @Sebastian: correct, the chaos of my list of bugs is already manifesting in my thought process.

    @Machtnix: If there is 'download needed' press build, it will download it automatically.

    We only provide the most prevalent architectures for the platforms to export to (because building is a lot of work). It is recommended to always use a 64bit Linux and if you're using 64bit Linux and our player is 32bit you will get hella trouble. Steam won't even distribute the 32bit version anymore. The engine also doesn't profit from 64bit architectures, it's only about compatibility. So the architectures are as such:

    Windows: 32bit
    Mac: 64bit
    Linux: 64bit

    Windows is in 32bits because that is the best compatibilty option. The player supports from XP to 10 nearly every PC.

    If it's 32bit or 64bit is completely irrelevant for your game.

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  • #27, by MachtnixFriday, 09. June 2017, 23:49 7 years ago
    OK, thanks for info. That means in other words: Linux doesn't work. So I have tried two weeks in vain. But was there an older version of Linux-player which works - maybe from 4.0? I still don't understand why there are different player dates - if I download from the wiki I get only this 2016 player-zip. Is there another place to download a Vis Linux-player (17441 KB from 17.4.2017 used in drift)???

    Because a lot of friends who use Linux have only a 32bit (because of older systems - Linux works perfectly on older systems) I have to cancel some promises.

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  • #28, by SimonSFriday, 09. June 2017, 23:59 7 years ago
    The player links in the wiki don't get updated anymore, these links are for 4.2.5. The new players for v5 need to be downloaded via the editor and are then in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Visionaire Editor\platform. You can also just use the player in drift.

    If they are desperate they can still use WINE and the windows player, that works with 32bit.

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  • #29, by sebastianSaturday, 10. June 2017, 00:26 7 years ago
    Would some of the devs be so kind and create a document where the export process is explained how it is right now ? Also with system requirements for the exported executable files for each platform. 
    Maybe adding it to the download section or update the relevant wiki-page(s).

    Posting it in the forum in a topic will become forgetton after 2 weeks...

    The thing is even the recent wiki player faq is not very promising because it assumes knowledge in several configuration parts which is not written down there. Also it is outdated for v5 but not mentioned there. 

    Resulting in confused users like we have in this topic here.

    @AFRLme: to my knowledge you are the keeper of the wiki wink : Could you add a hint in the header of the wiki that the wiki is not up2date for v5 and that there are things to change?

    The worst thing which could happen is that new users get scared away because of the lacking documentation of "the least"...

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  • #30, by MachtnixSaturday, 10. June 2017, 00:28 7 years ago
    The player links in the wiki don't get updated anymore, these links are for 4.2.5. The new players for v5 need to be downloaded via the editor and are then in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Visionaire Editor\platform.</user></blockquote> OK, well then, but I didn't found a way to download from there. Clicking on "download needed" doesn't care.
    You can also just use the player in drift.
    I think it's the best idea ever. *lol*

    I will copy it into the platform folder.

    But now it doesn't make any sense, because I haven't a 64bit-Linux to test the game.
    If they are desperate they can still use WINE and the windows player, that works with 32bit.
    Yeah, but I wasn't able to activate any program in Wine (Wine is terrible to understand). I use Linux as an alternative OS, I still use Windows mostly, but some friends are "hard core": no Windows, no Wine... (sounds like "no women, no cry...")!

    edit: text looks correctly in the preview... this quote-tag is a miracle...

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