3 days till Jason The Greek is live on Kickstarter - help!

  • #1, by lefooshFriday, 15. November 2013, 18:22 12 years ago
    Hi All,

    I now have three days till my launch on kickstarter and I know a number of you have done your own campaigns - happy to see many of them have been a success!

    Was hoping that if any of you have any suggestions you would be happy to share them?

    Right now I am posting away on the 3,2,1 countdown till Monday as well as tidying up the demo and generally panicking.

    If you'd like to preview the page feel free to click here or check out the site here!

    Thanks for your help, have a great Friday!



    77 Posts

  • #2, by NigecFriday, 15. November 2013, 20:11 12 years ago
    Man the trailer is awesome... DONT LET THOSE KITTENS CRY!"
    Sadly I wont be able to pledge (I need to beg borrow steal a Mac for my project which sadly doesn't qualify for kickstarter or similar ) but I've added a link to my FaceBook
    BTW the Twitter link gives a "page not found "error

    PMSL the Amazon ads are for motorbike kickstarters

    I think the page is nicely done, I reckon the feedback sums all the bloopers, and it seems to be a very doable figure, I'll be very surprised if you don't get way beyond that

    BTW if you need anything 3D drop me a line, I'll gladly help (you have my email)

    Key Killer

    640 Posts

  • #3, by lefooshFriday, 15. November 2013, 22:39 12 years ago
    Haha - I was thinking either that or: Pledge or risk developing a Bacon Allergy!!

    Don't you worry about the pledging, sharing would be awesome, any support is much appreciated.

    The campaign isnt live so I dont think a lot of it will work yet...

    Yeah, I need to action the feedback before Monday but its great and really kind to have that level of interest already.

    3 days to go.... cripes!



    77 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeSunday, 17. November 2013, 15:38 12 years ago
    Good luck with the campaign mate wink


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by lefooshSunday, 17. November 2013, 15:48 12 years ago
    Hey, thank you! Big day tomorrow!

    Will let you all know how it goes - couldn't have gotten here without your help, thats a fact.

    Thanks again,



    77 Posts