website's security certificate.

  • #10, by NigecSaturday, 06. July 2013, 22:31 12 years ago
    See you can tell your a Brit.. complaining about the weather! Its actually been hot here too, right now I'm not complaining coz its been a bit crappy up to now, chances are we had our summer today it'll piss down until this time next year lol

    Key Killer

    632 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeSaturday, 06. July 2013, 22:37 12 years ago
    oh bring on some rain & cloudy weather & a wee bit of breeze (oh I would like some breeze) air here is very dry (then again it's practically a desert here due to them killing most of vegetation & insects etc with their lovely poisonous blue spray shit that makes them look like giant smurfs by the time they've finished spraying)

    Aye a Briton that I may be!


    7283 Posts

  • #12, by NigecSaturday, 06. July 2013, 23:03 12 years ago
    Isn't funny how a topic can totally derail lol

    Key Killer

    632 Posts

  • #13, by afrlmeSunday, 07. July 2013, 00:23 12 years ago
    I think you meant "isn't it funny"?

    & I like off topic posts...
    most often than not they are much more entertaining than posts that stay on topic.

    for a laugh check out this word game we played on my old music forum ages ago...

    the finished game story compiled into a single post can be found here:

    it's very, very twisted; involves telly tubbies, dildos & jesus porn if I remember correctly grin

    actually sod it - I'll paste it here - just had hysterics reading it again.

    Once apon a time there was a dog - that licked its own balls until -
    one day he dropped dead of - a massive tumor in both testicles -
    which rendered his owner - helpless when disposing its carcass and -
    then, to make things even worse - he telephoned Jesus to help him -
    in return Jesus told the man to - bow down to him and perform oral sex -
    to which the man replied "jesus christ!" - and Jesus had this smirk across His face -
    so the man does what he has to - and Jesus came and all Heaven broke loose (LOL) -
    Aye and Satan spawn (nutters) - came up to heaven to take over -
    the universe by multiplying faster than the speed - of a Star Trek ship light-travelling -
    while high as a kite on rocks. - So these spawns now descend upon Earth -
    with ravenous gaping maws ajar covered in - the nastiest slime ever conceived by Man -
    In turn whose nastiest habit involved eating - pussies with a dash of mustard -
    and Branston pickle sauce with - a touch of the well-received Marmite -
    Which Jimmy of course fucking loves it !!! (see his banner = lol) -

    and for dessert they would induldge in - Golden nectar fresh from -
    the virgin's cherry - as smooth and (wtf) hairless as - a young boys testicles -
    and very small ones at that !!! (sicko wtf wtf wtf lmao) - and for supper they'd gobble up -
    dog marinated in blood of young virgins with a touch of - pepper and a sprinkle of salt -
    they also liked nothing better than to - to sink their filthy little teeth into -
    Gordon Ramsey's - hairy buttocks and greasy - nipples while furiously tugging -
    away, looking at pics of margret thatcher dressed in - a boobtube and miniskirt with -
    crotchless panties which let out the stench from - her hairy bloody piss flaps which -
    looked like a drooling bulldogs - and not to mention Jaspie's -
    slimey lips. So one day these Spawns decided - to go about on a rampant -
    in the middle of Israel - , ten of them suddenly see this crazy looking -
    gigantic massive fucking TellyTubby™ - and decide to rape it - Tinky Winky cries -
    "Get off me you cunts or I'll - ass-rape you and tear you a new one!" -

    to which the ten spawns all simultaneously replied - "Get the fuck away from the children!" -
    then out of nowhere the teletubby retaliates by - beating them to within an inch of their lives with -
    a random John doe bums severed hand. - however, the hand wore away after only two -
    goes, he grabbed the nearest heavy item which - was a gigantic black double ended rubber dildo -
    smack after smack after smack and no - satisfaction could be had -
    no matter how much he spanked - so using only his tummy TV thing he -
    transported himself into the 6th dimension where he -
    found female versions of himself. -

    (I'm sure they're gender neutral & for fuck sake why'd he have a fucking handbag anyway !?)

    feeling a little confused and strangely aroused - which really irked him as he had no -
    self control at that particluar point in time - then suddenly, his antenna thingy began vibrating -
    causing a violent explosion emminating from - his tinkie winkie, covering everything with -
    gallons of creamy mushroom sauce ! - , the teletubby's female incarnation found this quite arousing -
    and began rubbing the sauce into her furry - quicker she rubbed the louder she moaned until -
    she came - across a humble tailor called Wilbur - who swept her off her feet and whisked -
    her vigourously with eggs and sugar in a - crazed frenzy while simultaneously making some trousers for -
    his missus - who happened to get off on - watchin hairy men scratch their -
    best vinyls with knitting needles - so watching all this happen secretly a plumber -
    grabbed his toolbox and pulled out his wrench - and whacked the teletubby right in the belly -
    The end !? (wtf come on guys this is getting more ridiculous by the second !!!)


    7283 Posts

  • #14, by NigecSunday, 07. July 2013, 00:56 12 years ago
    I think you meant "isn't it funny"?

    ooops well I'm disle... dysle... Dykish...ahh feck it I can't spell razz

    That is class mate, nice one!!

    I had this vision of doing a "make your own adventure" and get people I know to write the follow on page and see were it went. I can now see how messed up it could be.. specially if you add alcohol, some weed and biker mates who've had one to many bangs to the head lol

    Key Killer

    632 Posts

  • #15, by afrlmeSunday, 07. July 2013, 01:27 12 years ago
    haha music producers are just as bad as you can see from above result wink

    & a lot of adventure games tend to be wacky & it could be a very interesting game or a complete floppy bell end but I guess you don't know if you don't give it a go - well even if it's just to see the results wink


    7283 Posts

  • #16, by NigecSunday, 07. July 2013, 12:38 12 years ago
    People are using Wiki's on the internet to do this kind of thing, often they end up like your forum topic lol
    I have a story that I want to turn into a game but iit hits a dead end very quickly
    My website is actually based on a Wiki, it just has a CMS to make the front end easier to do, maybe I should try and get the ball rolling

    Key Killer

    632 Posts

  • #17, by afrlmeSunday, 07. July 2013, 13:24 12 years ago
    ah yeah I think you linked me it before.
    I myself prefer to custom/hand-code my websites unless it's a forum then I try & use open-source stuff.


    7283 Posts

  • #18, by NigecSunday, 07. July 2013, 16:39 12 years ago
    The website, I literally bought the hosting/name, installed a cms, didn't like it, installed the current one, changed some wording and not touched it since <blush>
    I think its piss slow and keep meaning to do something about it but I always seem to have better things to do lol
    I was just going to use Wordpress but you need to watch it all the bloody time
    Maybe I'll have a Eureka moment soon and do something constructive

    Key Killer

    632 Posts

  • #19, by afrlmeSunday, 07. July 2013, 17:27 12 years ago
    haha 'orrible wordpress!

    joomla was quite simple to use & has loads of plugins/addons etc but not many themes unless you are willing to pay. SMF (simple machines) cms/forum software is quite nice & completely free, loads & loads of 3rd party plugins & loads of free themes too.

    you could always code your own providing you don't mind manually coding in & formatting new content by hand.


    7283 Posts

  • #20, by NigecSunday, 07. July 2013, 17:46 12 years ago
    I made a interactive one using the Lassie game engine , I can't really remember why I didn't pursue it, I think it was more the fact I was getting frustrated with the engines quirkiness and as I got better at using it, it was breaking more often, the last 2 games ended up a salvage job

    Every time I use Joomla I end up not being able to do feck all, I think the themes add the access lock or something like that, I'm not that server savy

    My intention for the site was going to be a 3D modelling portfolio, when I got this PC I was going to try and get some work but that would mean going mainstream and it bores me, I don't think I have the right mentality to work with someone else

    Key Killer

    632 Posts