"Zak McKracken between time and space" is looking for some skilled photoshop illustrators

  • #10, by bmyypieSaturday, 04. May 2013, 08:23 12 years ago
    Yes, I'll be offering a screen I painted over to meet the 1280x720 resolution later that day.


    8 Posts

  • #11, by bmyypieSaturday, 04. May 2013, 21:26 12 years ago
    Hi Marvel, here is my redraw of the plane screen.


    8 Posts

  • #12, by EinzelkämpferSaturday, 04. May 2013, 22:03 12 years ago
    Cool! I like it. smile
    Although some details got lost.

    Have you done the whole repainting only today? If so, it is even more impressing.


    81 Posts

  • #13, by bmyypieSaturday, 04. May 2013, 22:13 12 years ago
    Thx smile Unfortunately, it took me two days. Way much longer than I thought it would. gnaaa!


    8 Posts

  • #14, by EinzelkämpferSaturday, 04. May 2013, 23:47 12 years ago
    Well, it would have taken ME two months at least - and the result wouldn't have been very convincing, I assume. wink


    81 Posts

  • #15, by afrlmeSunday, 05. May 2013, 01:28 12 years ago
    agree with einzelkaempfer that it's lacking in detail in certain places & the dark/shadow stuff feels/looks somewhat rushed. but I like the texture & custom details you've added to the scene + it feels more atmospheric than the original image which is overly bright, warm & fuzzy - for me, that is wink


    7283 Posts

  • #16, by marvelSunday, 05. May 2013, 19:00 12 years ago
    Hi BM,
    thank you for your post. I appreciate your effort and your support for the project. smile

    I like your rework of the plane-screen, the new colors and there are also some cool new details (the rope, exit writing,...),... On the other hand there are some details missing, like AFRLme and einzelkämpfer already said.

    The Problem is: If we follow this way, we would need to overwork all Sprites (Open Doors, Open Hatch, Animations in the Windows, Front-Objects, etc.). If we do this in each room this would last up to 1-2 years ^^

    In general it wasn't my plan to redraw all rooms from scratch and redo all animations and sprites. My plan was just to enlarge the sceneries to the new resolution and add some more details (like your rope in the screen). In that case we are able to keep all existing sprites, foreground-objects, animations and i also dont have to change basics in the programming of the game.

    If we want to continue the work and stay course, this would be the most efficient way:

    1. Rooms with a lot of foreground-objects, sprites and animations: Just enlarge these sceneries and try to draw in the same style like the original images
    2. Dont change general things like the place of objects or the main color of the scenery. If we dont do so, exsting sprites and animations won't fit anymore.
    3. Screens without a lot of sprites or animation could be redrawn complete (i could tell you guys, which rooms that would be)

    With 3-4 artists with your skill we could get this work done pretty soon. :o)

    Key Killer

    598 Posts

  • #17, by bmyypieSunday, 05. May 2013, 23:05 12 years ago
    You're welcome.

    I agree with everything being said. In the end I rushed a bit and I forgot some details. I redrew it completely because I'm bad at emulating one others drawing style.

    From this point of view, I would be glad to get to redraw the necessary screens. :-) Let me know if I'm in =)

    Q: Up to now there is only one other artist, right? So will you wait for two more and then begin to delegate?


    8 Posts

  • #18, by marvelMonday, 06. May 2013, 18:11 12 years ago
    Yes, right now there are 2 artists working on the screens. smile I hope we will find 1-2 more.

    I come back to you pretty soon. Please send me your mailadress via pm. wink

    Key Killer

    598 Posts

  • #19, by NigecSunday, 12. May 2013, 16:50 12 years ago
    There used to be a woman called Karen on the original forum who was fantastic, I think she went on to do a King Quest remake but I haven't heard from her in years.. I think I can find her again assuming the KQ game hasn't died and vanished from the net

    Key Killer

    632 Posts

  • #20, by marvelMonday, 13. May 2013, 15:18 12 years ago
    There used to be a woman called Karen on the original forum who was fantastic, I think she went on to do a King Quest remake but I haven't heard from her in years.. I think I can find her again assuming the KQ game hasn't died and vanished from the net

    Sounds good. Maybe she's interested in this... smile

    Key Killer

    598 Posts