"Zak McKracken between time and space" is looking for some skilled photoshop illustrators

  • #1, by marvelMonday, 08. April 2013, 18:08 12 years ago
    Hello together,
    we intend on overhauling the game graphically where possible to bring it up to more modern standard & for this we are looking for capable graphic designers who have enough spare time & motivation to contribute to this pro-bono fan made project. We would like to bring the game resolution up to a more modern resolution standard of say something like 1280x720 in a 16:9 ratio. Also we would like to add some details.

    Attached you find some of the current ingame graphics in 1024x768 (4:3) resolution.

    You want to participate in a great adventure game project and want us to finish the directors cut of Zak2? Then dont hesitate to send us a message. smile

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #2, by GeisterTramperTuesday, 09. April 2013, 15:19 12 years ago
    Diese Perfektionisten ^^. Ich würde sofort helfen aber ich glaube meine Skills sind nicht ausreichend. Viel Spaß ! ..Respekt für all die Arbeit !


    4 Posts

  • #3, by marvelTuesday, 09. April 2013, 19:42 12 years ago
    This is the way the sceneries have to be reworked. smile

    By the way: We found some (female) artist here, who is willing to help us. Are there any more interested graphic artists? We would need some... because unfortunately this is a LOT of work!

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeTuesday, 09. April 2013, 21:10 12 years ago
    I was wondering how you intended on reworking the game/scenes into a higher resolution ...
    & now I know smile


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by EinzelkämpferWednesday, 10. April 2013, 02:26 12 years ago
    So the original drawings are at game resolution only? Not scaled down for the game? What a pity!

    Going HD sounds great, but I'm not sure about simply extending the original scenes. I am not an artist, but the existing graphics are well structured and balanced. Like the one shown in your example: the whole image is built around the hatch (is this the right word?) in the center, that is surrounded by the two doors in the background and the crates in the forground corners. I think the picture will lose its thought-out composition, if you are going to add something to the right (or any other direction). The same goes for the two other scenes. What does aeyol say?

    But... surprise me!


    81 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeWednesday, 10. April 2013, 04:30 12 years ago
    an alternative could be to blow up the images to fit the intended game resolution (as best as you can) & re-draw/paint over them ... sounds like a ton of work to me!

    then again - if they were to do that, then all objects & characters would also have to be redone again to make them fit the new resolution.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by aeyolWednesday, 10. April 2013, 21:25 12 years ago
    I´m sorry that I don´t have time to help very much these days.

    When I´m looking at the location backgrounds today, I´d say they should get a complete overhaul, at least most of them. And not just a bit by adding some trappings. Besides the outdated size there are some perspective, lighting and style issues that should be fixed if possible.

    Don´t be scared now, starting illustrators out there: Sometimes it´s even easier to rework the whole thing than to add something in someone else´s style. I´m pretty sure you´ll have many ideas to improve these old sceneries.

    Whoever will dare to try it: Maybe I can help a bit by giving advice if you need (via e-mail or in the project forum).

    I´d say the to-be-reworked locations should have a target size of 1920x1080 if possible.

    Ah, and about composition: Well, if it´s possible to chose the position of the added background part freely (depending on the location), that should be no problem (like 'a bit on the left side, a bit on the right side...).


    1 Posts

  • #8, by marvelWednesday, 10. April 2013, 23:13 12 years ago
    If we would chance the resolution to FULL-HD (1920x1080) i had to change pretty everything in the code and there also would be loads of other issues in different parts of the game (Starting at the item-size, wayboarders, object-areas...).

    I think HD resolution (1280x720) would be the best choice. I just need to change details in the code and it and gives us a chance to get finished. smile

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #9, by bmyypieFriday, 03. May 2013, 18:09 12 years ago
    Are you still looking for artists?


    8 Posts

  • #10, by marvelSaturday, 04. May 2013, 01:25 12 years ago
    Yes, we do! Do you have any skills to offer? smile

    Key Killer

    599 Posts

  • #11, by bmyypieSaturday, 04. May 2013, 08:23 12 years ago
    Yes, I'll be offering a screen I painted over to meet the 1280x720 resolution later that day.


    8 Posts