Hi, I'm trying to make a bathroom mirror reflect a character.
I searched the forum, got a bunch of hits and tried all the code/scripts/(whatever that gibberish is) in all manner of places and ways, but couldn't figure out how any of it is supposed to work.
I also tried to make a second version of the character, flipped ALL their sprites and assigned them to the opposite directions etc - it took AGES but was a massive waste of time since I can't get them both to just move along at the same time (not to mention idle/ blinking animations won't play at the same time etc - but I can fudge that for the single scene.)
Could someone who actually knows how to write shader script or lua code please explain in basic terms what I'm supposed to put where to use any of the shader stuff floating around (ie, do I copy paste it into the shader section? If so, what tab? Then what do I do to make it show up? etc etc etc)
- OR what I could do to make a manually drawn reflection character actually walk along, or animate the same as the original, behind a semi transparent object "window" to make an illusion of a mirror.
All I'm trying to do is make a simple rectangular mirror, with another, slightly transparent copy of my character a little offset in it, and in all honesty it seems like it's way harder than it needs to be to figure out how.
Please excuse the rubbish picture, but here is an explanation of what I want to achieve
Bear in mind I'm an absolute turbo-tard when it comes to any kind of scripting and coding!
I've managed to get a few rooms done, with some inventory and an unnecessarily complicated interface setup etc, but things like this mirror stuff, or getting the background sound to carry across scenes, or having the black fade out not be a yucky little box in the corner, but rather the FULL screen - that's all kicking my ass.
Sorry for the blog post!