What happened to "continue music from other scene"?

  • #1, by DilatedWednesday, 21. May 2014, 04:35 11 years ago
    I've noticed this feature has been removed from V 4.0 Beta, however is there something else that replaces this? Maybe it's in another section of the editor?

    In my game when you speak to a character it switches scene to a close up of their faces, and once you're finished it switches back to the main scene. And I'd like the music to flow through it all.

    And as always, thanks for your help!


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  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 21. May 2014, 12:54 11 years ago
    The continue background music option was counterproductive & thus it was removed. When you loaded a save game on a scene that had that option checked it either played no music or carried on the music that was playing in the menu.

    All you have to do is set the audio file for each scene & if the linked audio file is the same as the last scene, then it will continue to play - same as the continue music from previous scene option did. This way is better because it will now play the correct audio file when you load a save game.


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  • #3, by MachtnixWednesday, 21. May 2014, 18:27 11 years ago
    Hi. I looked for this option too. But it didn't work in 4 beta. I have one long soundtrack with neverending loop for all scenes I use in the game (it's only a mysterial background noise, like Riven). There are switch times between scenes (maybe 250 or 500ms) and then the sound stops and starts again at the beginning in the next scene. What did I wrong?


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  • #4, by BigStansThursday, 22. May 2014, 01:28 11 years ago
    If the filename from scene 1 was the same as in scene 2 the sound continues.
    Scene 1 Background Sound: music/jungle.ogg
    Scene 2 Background Sound: music/jungle.ogg

    With Visionaire 3.x you have to click on "continue music from other scene" otherwise the same track restarts. There's no sense… 

    The beta was obsolete, we fixed a lot of bugs. Sure it works smile Can't download the RC?

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  • #5, by MachtnixThursday, 22. May 2014, 01:40 11 years ago
    Can't download the RC?

    I want to, but you have a limit of 10 scenes in the free version now. So my testing game couldn't work, I think.
    In the RC a lot of bugs are fixed now, but I must use the beta...

    If I buy the full version or not depends on the beta ;-)


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  • #6, by SimonSThursday, 22. May 2014, 08:36 11 years ago
    All scenes are kept if you use the free version, you just can't edit them if they are past scene 10. So you could try, the player displays all scenes.

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  • #7, by DilatedMonday, 26. May 2014, 17:47 11 years ago
    Thanks guys! works perfect.

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