Weird PNG?!

  • #1, by joemidThursday, 16. July 2015, 00:29 9 years ago
    Can anyone tell me why this PNG won't load into Visionaire? I have recently had this problem crop up in the last week, and I cannot figure it out! My work flow for art involves hand-painting, either analog or clip paint, photoshop to chop up the sprite, spriter to animate and export a png sequence, then into Visionaire-

    Usually works like a charm, but this last week- not so much...

    This PNG opens in preview, adobe programs, and clip paint, but not in Visionaire.

    I'm working in Windows with 4.2



    87 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 16. July 2015, 00:53 9 years ago
    Only thing I can think of is that at some point the image date / mode got messed up. Try reopening the image in photoshop & make sure you export it out in 8 bit mode with RGB color.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by LieMurderProfitThursday, 16. July 2015, 04:17 9 years ago
    I could view it in 4.1 as a scene background. Are you receiving an error message?


    5 Posts

  • #4, by joemidThursday, 16. July 2015, 04:48 9 years ago
    Thanks! I double checked the files in Photoshop and they were RGB at 8bit, no errors in the Log Window or in the console. Actually, now some of the images are working...


    87 Posts

  • #5, by joemidThursday, 16. July 2015, 05:07 9 years ago
    Scratch that- now some of the images are showing up as black boxes in the animation window, and the character is totally invisible in the player. It must be something corrupt with one or more of the PNGs.


    87 Posts

  • #6, by sebastianThursday, 16. July 2015, 08:33 9 years ago
    you could check your systems console / logfiles if there is something fishy

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  • #7, by afrlmeThursday, 16. July 2015, 11:56 9 years ago
    Would you mind trying to convert them to webp format using the app mentioned in this wiki page. See if they work afterwards.

    I've not heard of anyone having your issue before, well not to the degree of a large majority of your image files not displaying correctly. The only thing I can think of as I mentioned before is that you have somehow used the wrong image settings / codecs (whatever), which VS doesn't seem to like. VS is a bit of a picky bugger, when it comes to image files.


    7285 Posts

  • #8, by SDMonoThursday, 16. July 2015, 19:53 9 years ago
    Joemid are you using a Lightmap in your scene? I had problems with the character being invisible after using Lightmaps.

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  • #9, by joemidFriday, 17. July 2015, 00:08 9 years ago
    Thanks all. The images seem to be working today. Very strange. My computer seemed to need a rest? wink

    I haven't converted to webp yet, however I do plan to do so in the future- as a final batch.

    Also, I did check the system console last night and found nothing odd.

    And, I am using a light map- however that seems to be functioning correctly as well.

    Thanks again! I'll update here if the problem crops up again in the future.


    87 Posts

  • #10, by LebosteinFriday, 17. July 2015, 12:40 9 years ago
    OT: I think webp will not prevail. I think it will disappear in the next few years. A new image format, which reduces the size of images for some kilobytes without any other advantages will not survive. Today some kilobytes per image does not matter compared to the widespread use and acceptance of jpg and png. The history of technology teaches us: What has prevailed, will long exist (even if there are better alternatives) - It must have good reasons to convince the people....

    Key Killer

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  • #11, by afrlmeFriday, 17. July 2015, 13:07 9 years ago
    The webp image format was created for web use mostly, to decrease the loading times & bandwidth usage of websites. VS allowed the format I guess because the images / animation frames will load faster & require much less hard drive space overall in comparison to jpg or png.

    Jpg doesn't always seem to display correctly in VS for some reason. Png usually displays correctly except in certain cases where the image mode / settings were not correct during creation / export.

    Personally for me the png format can end up quite large in size for each image due to the lossless format, which isn't really all that good for 2D & people that don't have decent computers. For example: during certain parts of the game I'm working on, I had quite a few animations on the screen at the same time that were all png & my laptop (which is more than capable enough of running pretty much all VS made games) was lagging at times, until I replaced all the images & animations with webp, then it was smooth sailing - not to say that that would be the case for everyone else, as it's all down to what your computer can handle.

    Anyway, I believe that programs will more likely than not add support for webp, at some point in the future, providing webp continues to grow. Photoshop already has third party support via a plugin as far as I know & there are probably other programs which have support or the ability to convert to or from webp.


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