Way System behavior annoying

  • #1, by knut-hatsgutFriday, 27. October 2023, 10:42 11 months ago
    When playing deponia or the whispered world I noticed that when one clicks at some point outside the walkable area that the player does not walk to the closest location on the walkable area from that click but the behavior is different.

    It is really really annoying and a reason why I enjoyed Scumm vm games more than visionaire Studio games. 

    Now I installed visionaire studio since I am trying to find the right adventure game Studio engine for me and noticed the same behavior. Of course it can be avoided by setting the way points correctly but this is a lot of manual labor and also hasn't always be done right in daedelic games. 

    So please fix this. And do not blame the customer for setting something not alright. It should be the job of the engine. 


    2 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 27. October 2023, 12:37 11 months ago
    Visionaire uses the way paths to determine the closest one & which path to take from wherever the playable character is standing whenever the player clicks outside of the way system borders. Paths are also used to navigate around cutouts inside of the way border; regardless of whether the player clicked inside of or outside of the way border.

    Typically what happens when the player clicks inside of the way border, the engine will automatically calculate the most direct route from the current position to the destination position, which in most cases is a straight line; unless that's not possible because the way system border has a really complex shape or there's a cutout in the way.

    By the way, if you want to see what the way system & engine is doing (to a degree), press TAB while running your project via the editor & turn on "display waysystem" in the overview tab.

    As for Daedalic & their games... to my knowledge they used interns & inexeperienced people to do a lot of the grunt work, & setting up the way system to behave exactly how you want it to behave is no easy task.

    In regard to your last remark, I'm not going to blame the customer, but to me it sounds like you just want create a game without putting in the work. Unfortunately for you, game development involves a lot of tedious/repetitive work; regardless of which game genre you are working on & which game engine you decide to use.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by knut-hatsgutWednesday, 15. November 2023, 23:27 10 months ago
    I am really on the bring of buying either visionaire studio or adventure game creator. This is the routing bug I described:

    I am a programmer myself. If you show me the routing algorithm I can fix the bug there including adding a unit test but I do not really not want to fiddle around with the waypoint borders so that this effect does not appear.

    I just want to focus on creating the game without having to be "experienced".

    If Adventure Game Creators, AGS and Escoria do not have that problem I do not see why Visionaire Studio needs to have it.


    2 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 16. November 2023, 21:53 10 months ago
    I am really on the bring of buying either visionaire studio or adventure game creator. This is the routing bug I described:

    I am a programmer myself. If you show me the routing algorithm I can fix the bug there including adding a unit test but I do not really not want to fiddle around with the waypoint borders so that this effect does not appear.

    I just want to focus on creating the game without having to be "experienced".

    If Adventure Game Creators, AGS and Escoria do not have that problem I do not see why Visionaire Studio needs to have it.
    You would have to talk to Simon about that, but I doubt he'll let you see any of the code as it's not an open source game engine.

    In regard to the video you have shared. Did you add way paths? Whenever you click outside of the way borders the engine uses the way paths inside of the border to calculate the path to take to the nearest node to where you clicked. I will admit that it would be nice if it checked if there will be any obstructions between the current character position & the edge of the way border closest to the point you clicked & walked to it instead of following the way paths inside, but unfortunately that's just how it currently works.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by NigecFriday, 17. November 2023, 10:56 10 months ago
    There's plenty of path finder examples for lua, you can also use box2d and collisions, which makes path finding easier in godot and i seem to remember you do in  Adventure Creator

    Key Killer

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  • #6, by evans-theodoreTuesday, 19. December 2023, 04:19 9 months ago
    Your blog gave us useful information that we can use. All of the tips in your post are great. Many thanks for giving. Keep blogging fnaf


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