Visionaire Update 5.0.8

  • #10, by LebosteinSunday, 18. November 2018, 20:31 6 years ago
    Problems with Spine files are not solved. Some exported Spine files from Dragonbones cause to crash after loading in Visonaire 5.0.8. No problems with 5.0.6.

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #11, by SimonSMonday, 19. November 2018, 09:57 6 years ago
    Please always post the crashreports on Mac, I don't get them via Apple.

    Thread Captain

    1582 Posts

  • #12, by esmeraldaTuesday, 20. November 2018, 12:58 6 years ago
    These curves look interesting. But what do I do with them?
    I drew a curve, or a curved line - but what now? can I link it somehow to a move object-actionpart? (I dont' want to use lua, if I don't have to...)

    Edit: or did you mean: can only be used via lua?
    "- add curves (can also be used via lua currently, for example: )"

    Key Killer

    524 Posts

  • #13, by SimonSTuesday, 20. November 2018, 15:28 6 years ago
    Currently there is no option use it without lua. But the usage via lua is pretty simple.

    You could set the object offset with the curve or move particles along it.

    startCallbackTween(30000, function(x)
      Objects.object.Offset = game.CurrentScene.Curves[1]:curveAt(x)
    end, easeLinearIn, true, false)

    Thread Captain

    1582 Posts

  • #14, by esmeraldaTuesday, 20. November 2018, 15:47 6 years ago
    Ok, thank you. That is simple enough for me :-)

    Edit: just as info for other users - when using offset, the first point of the curve should be at 0,0 or else the object will jump

    Key Killer

    524 Posts

  • #15, by afrlmeTuesday, 20. November 2018, 19:22 6 years ago
    Was going to mention that. Offset only really works when the object is at 0,0 - otherwise it offsets by current position + target position value rather than absolute position, which means you would need to calculate the offset.

    Much easier to use animations as you can set them to an absolute position.

    Also note that animations are positioned by the top left pixel of the sprite, so take that into consideration when using curves or - 50% width of animation from x & - 50% height of animation from y if you want to center an animation on the current curve position.


    7283 Posts

  • #16, by franzMonday, 26. November 2018, 07:24 6 years ago
    Hello everyone,

    very good update, even if I encountered some issues with Lua code.
    In particular "Shader Toolkit 0.9.5" (last version described on site) does not work anymore ("getn" function is not recognized, and also "maxn"...): is there any way to fix that? There were no problems with 5.0.6 version.


    7 Posts

  • #17, by SimonSMonday, 26. November 2018, 10:32 6 years ago
    The shadertoolkit is not really well versioned, the newest is here:

    Thread Captain

    1582 Posts

  • #18, by franzTuesday, 27. November 2018, 00:20 6 years ago
    The shadertoolkit is not really well versioned, the newest is here:

    It works, thank you Simon! smile
    Do you know if the following link will be updated too?


    7 Posts

  • #19, by afrlmeTuesday, 27. November 2018, 00:37 6 years ago
    The shadertoolkit is not really well versioned, the newest is here:

    It works, thank you Simon! smile
    Do you know if the following link will be updated too?
    I can update that. I think the current version on the wiki is from the final version of Visionaire Studio 4.25 - probably.


    7283 Posts

  • #20, by franzWednesday, 28. November 2018, 22:44 6 years ago
    The shadertoolkit is not really well versioned, the newest is here:

    It works, thank you Simon! smile
    Do you know if the following link will be updated too?
    I can update that. I think the current version on the wiki is from the final version of Visionaire Studio 4.25 - probably.

    It will be great for sure! smile


    7 Posts