Hi everyone,
5.0.8 is here, mostly bugfixes but also some new features.
Links as usual:
Full Version:
Free Version:
New things:
- metal support (for the editor actually now required)
- add leftclick behaviour
- add lua callback tween
(see curve example)
- visibility/scale/rotation now affects particles
- add horizontal fader for volumes
- add more block functions
(it's still not in the state to write documentation about it)
- add search to block dialog
- blocks work on mac
- add blinking cursor to text field
- possibility to use folders
(add a - in front)
- line drawing
is now looking much better
- android sdk update
- copy paste not working
- change sprite removes position
- sounds don't fade out if no transition set
- pause particles and tween while out of focus
- particles not correctly scrolled
- issues with scrolling and rotationcenter
- first frame not set according to lipsync
- models not rendering correctly
- blendtrack: manual left point moves too fast in audiosystem
- auto save value if new automation is created
- audio container don't start sometimes
- check list box doesn't update labels (scene preview list)
- empty scripteditor shows no caret
- last line number sometimes not shown
- animation studio too big for screen
- save warning even if game is empty
- fix spine integration
- fix labeledit not visible if scrolled
- break knobs into rows
- the shader toolkit now correctly clamps to the edge again if you use follow character, just redownload it from the luadocs.
Now, keep the bug-report channel on discord filled.