Visionaire Testfenster stürzt ab nach Sounds

  • #1, by ptomaine-artTuesday, 24. January 2017, 22:42 8 years ago
    Hi Leute,

    ich habe gerade einen neuen Rechner gekauft und mein aktuelles Projekt in der neuen 4.25er Version weiter bearbeitet und immer wenn ich mein Game teste, stürzt es ab, sobald ein Sound gespielt wird. Also nicht direkt, sondern nachdem der Sound gespielt wurde.

    Habt ihr eine Ahnung woran das liegen könnte?




    47 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 24. January 2017, 23:18 8 years ago
    Quick question: what format are the sound files? Mp3 support was dropped a while back & can sometime cause issues if used.

    I recommend sticking to OGG (vorbis) &/or Opus audio formats only. On the plus side unlike other file formats, they are both open container/ open source formats which means you don't need to acquire licenses to use them in your game.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by ptomaine-artWednesday, 25. January 2017, 10:00 8 years ago
    OK, this might be it. I used mp3s. Thanks.

    Is wav supported?


    47 Posts

  • #4, by LebosteinWednesday, 25. January 2017, 12:37 8 years ago
    mp3 is "state of the art". All patents and licence things have expired 2012 in the EU. In US we have to wait 11 months...

    I hope mp3 is comming back to Visionaire.

    "The basic MP3 decoding and encoding technology is patent-free in the European Union, all patents having expired there. In the United States, the technology will be substantially patent-free on 31 December 2017. The majority of MP3 patents expired in the US between 2007 and 2015."

    Key Killer

    621 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeWednesday, 25. January 2017, 12:46 8 years ago
    OK, this might be it. I used mp3s. Thanks.

    Is wav supported?
    Wav, but why? As nice as it might be to use lossless audio formats such as wav or flac, I would recommend against it as the file-sizes are massive compared to mp3/ogg/opus file formats - besides your average ordinary person isn't going to be able to tell the difference between a wav file or a 320k mp3 file or an ogg file set to 100% quality.

    I highly recommend sticking to ogg or opus because they are smaller in file-size & because as I already mentioned, they are open-container / open-source formats & they just happen to be the file types that VS supports since mp3 was sort of unofficially dropped in 4.x.


    7285 Posts