Visionaire Studio 5 Lizenz? Kompatibilität mit anderen Game-engines?

  • #1, by elfenzornSaturday, 04. November 2017, 01:53 7 years ago
    Nun, ich möchte eine Lizenz für Visionaire Studio 5 erwerben, jedoch sind nur Lizenzen für Visionaire Studio 4 Varianten verfügbar.

    -Sollte nun eine Visionaire Studio 4 Lizenz erworben werden, um VS5 vollständig verwenden zu können?

    -Außerdem.. ist es möglich  eine "single user"-Lizenz zu einer "Multi User"-Lizenz "upzugraden"?

    -Nebensächlich: Wie sieht's mit anderen engines aus? Ist es möglich für ein Minispiel, oder puzzle, Dateien von Construct 2 oder gamemaker zu nutzen?


    1 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSaturday, 04. November 2017, 11:54 7 years ago
    Visionaire Studio 4.x license is valid for both Visionaire Studio 4.x & 5.x, so don't worry about that.

    The multi-user license is to do with multiple developers (people working with the editor on a single project), if it's just you that will be using the Visionaire Studio editor then you only need an indie individual license. To answer your question, no I don't believe it's possible to upgrade & the different licenses don't add any additional features/changes to the editor or export options in anyway what-so-ever.

    Quick note: the mobile & professional licenses include the multi-user license, while the mobile & professional licenses themselves are only intended for a single game (title) release.

    As for cross-compatibility of game engines... I'm not sure how you imagine that will work? It would mean using multiple executable files which wouldn't be very smooth or nice looking to the person playing your game. As for mini-games, Simon has been working on adding box2D physics engine, object duplication, gamepad & keyboard support & various other things that will allow developers to get a bit more creative with the game engine.


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  • #3, by caligarimarteSaturday, 04. November 2017, 12:19 7 years ago
    -Nebensächlich: Wie sieht's mit anderen engines aus? Ist es möglich für ein Minispiel, oder puzzle, Dateien von Construct 2 oder gamemaker zu nutzen?
    Wie AFRLme schon erwähnte, du bräuchtest mehrere .exe-Dateien dafür. Diese kannst du i'm Spiel über Lua starten, mit dem Befehl: os.execute("vispath:example.exe")
    Aber das Problem ist, dass du dabei das Spiel aktiv beenden und ein anderes Spiel laden würdest, und das würde den Spieler aus der Erfahrung herausreißen, es würde den Spielfluss stören. Wie schon gesagt, es wäre nicht "smooth". Generell kannst du Minispiele auch in Visionaire basteln, aber ab und an wirst du dafür evtl. einwenig Lua benötigen -- falls es dir um Effekte geht, welche die anderen Engines haben, dann lässt sich vielleicht was mit Shadern regeln.

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  • #4, by astroknightSaturday, 04. November 2017, 21:08 7 years ago
    Ich hab' da auch noch eine Sache zum Abklären diesbezüglich:

    Fürs Indie/Single- und Multi-User Package steht:

    -Spiele dürfen als Kleinauflage in physischer Form weitergegeben werden. Ein professioneller Vertrieb als physisches Produkt im Einzelhandel ist allerdings nicht erlaubt und erfordert eine höhere Lizenz.

    Heisst das, man darf die Spiele im kleinen Rahmen für einen kleinen Betrag verkaufen? Gibt's da eine Limite? Dürfte man hier schon eine Webseite erstellen und in eigener Promotion die Spiele bewerben und für real Monay verkaufen?

    Weiterhin funktioniert der Link zum Branding-Material nicht, da hätte ich gerne einmal hineingeschaut, gibts das Zip noch irgendwo?


    14 Posts

  • #5, by astroknightMonday, 06. November 2017, 11:11 7 years ago
    Ich nehme mal an, dass das mit dem Branding nicht so eng behandelt wird?
    Ansonsten gäbe es doch weitere Infos für Mindestgrösse/-Dauer etc., einen aktuellen Zip-Download Link usw.?

    Ist es erlaubt eine Pixel-Variante des Visionaire-Logos für ein Spiel mit geringer Auflösung zu erstellen? Weiss jemand wo ich zu Lizenz/ rechtlichen Fragen genauere Infos erhalte?
    Habe leider keinen entsprechenden Forenpost gefunden.


    14 Posts

  • #6, by Philipp StumppMonday, 06. November 2017, 18:08 7 years ago
    With the Indie-Developer (multi-user) license it says, that you are allowed to sell your game on digital marketplaces. 

    Does that mean that i can sell it on Steam? And for the bigger licenses: who sells his game as a physical product in retail stores these days?

    I am confused :o

    Greetings, Phil


    54 Posts

  • #7, by afrlmeMonday, 06. November 2017, 18:29 7 years ago
    Ok, simplified version...

    indie single user license allows you to develop & release as many games as you like & distribute them digitally for windows, mac & linux via services like Steam, GOG & Humble Bundle, etc.

    indie multiuser license is the same as the single user license except multiple developers can work on the game at the same time. What's unclear is whether this is a single computer, multiple computers at the same location or multiple computers at different locations (i.e when you are working with a team of people over the internet). For me personally it should only be applicable to the same location & individual users that will be working directly with the VS editor at different houses/locations should each buy their own single user license. Any team members that won't be working inside of the editor don't need a license.

    mobile is currently a per title license (1 license per game) & gives you permission to release a game digitally for windows, mac & linux as well as for iOS & android. The indie multiuser license is included with this.

    professional is also a per title license & allows you to release your game wherever & however you like. As a physical boxed copy in a store, as a special limited edition boxed copy on dvd or maybe on a custom pendrive like Chris did with STASIS. Branding is also optional. & like the mobile license, it includes a multiuser license. The professional license is more to do with budget; especially if you have a publisher/have been contracted to work on the game for a company that isn't your own. For example, let's say Coca-Cola asked you to make them a short game which would be released for free. Now despite the game being given away for free, it was still contracted by a third party commercial company & thus a professional license would be required to distribute it.

    Technically you could do all of this with any license as the editor is exactly the same for all of the different licenses. Whether you choose to pay & support the engine is down to your own moral principles.


    7285 Posts

  • #8, by Philipp StumppMonday, 06. November 2017, 18:41 7 years ago

    Shouldn't they install a barrier so that you are not able to activate the editor with one single registration code on different computers? 

    I know, back in the 90's it's been easy to use a software with just one code on different computers but today you can do a query by internet if the code has been used for a singel, documented computer ... they make it easy for pirates.

    And i'm saying this because they put so much effort in this wonderful peace of work and it still is very cheap compared to others!


    54 Posts

  • #9, by afrlmeMonday, 06. November 2017, 19:46 7 years ago
    If pirates cared it would be on piratebay or some other similar site, but it hasn't been so far. Not popular enough to warrant it I suppose & these days crackers can crack/patch anything regardless of DRM (denuvo).

    I think if VS ever gets a Steam release version, that the way it works will likely need to be adjusted to something along the lines of dlc being used to determine which platforms can be exported to.


    7285 Posts

  • #10, by trepnTuesday, 07. November 2017, 18:43 7 years ago
    Popular enough for spammers though wink


    60 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeTuesday, 07. November 2017, 20:56 7 years ago
    Popular enough for spammers though wink
    Aye, we have a blast (shakeshark) at banning & deleting their posts. At least Calli came up with a nice easy solution that allows us to simply click on their avatar, click on ban, click on the confirm button & it deletes them along with all of their threads/messages. I suppose their should be an option to only delete & ban them without removing all threads/messages too in case it's a regular member, but thankfully it's never come to that, so the current system is enough for now. smile


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