Visionaire player stopped working

  • #1, by TymorThursday, 05. May 2016, 13:19 9 years ago
    When I try to try out my game in the Visionaire Player it shuts down, sometime with a "visionare player has stopped working" but mostly it just crashes. It seems to happen after a scene change. If i click on an object or want the characters to move the problem occurs. Any idea what the problem could be or at least find out what causes the issue?


    26 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 05. May 2016, 14:02 9 years ago
    Does it open up a prompt that allows you to generate a dump (dmp) file? If it does then you can send that to one of the devs to see if they can see what is causing the issue.

    Alternatively, check the log file. If you don't know where the log file for your game is, then run your game. Press TAB to open up the dev console & type exec print(localAppDir), then press ENTER, then type PRINT LOG, then press ENTER again to show the log. You can use Page up/down keys to navigate between the log pages. You are looking for an entry that looks something like... c:/users/... & that will be where the log files & save game files for your game are being stored.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by TymorThursday, 05. May 2016, 15:50 9 years ago
    Nope, nothing in the log and no prompt. However, I think I may have solved the issue by myself. The problem seemed to be that the the player thought the character was stuck outside the way systems when the character was returned to the scene (!?). I just redid all the scene objects/way systems and it works now.

    Thanks anyway!


    26 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 05. May 2016, 19:06 9 years ago
    Ah ok. Nice one for sorting it out yourself. Sounds like something could have corrupted while you were working on it. It does happen sometimes, though it's quite a rare occurrence. My recommendation is to backup your ved before & after any major changes.


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