Video flie size ?

  • #1, by UmonFriday, 30. August 2013, 23:40 12 years ago
    I was just testing to start a video file (cutscene) with an action area enter.
    A smale file around 50MB was ok but as i tried a bigger file with 250MB the game crashed (just shut down without any message).

    So my question is, is there a limit of size or a special file system (i read somewhere a hint to use .ogg flies, atm i use .avi) required / you have to look at?



    80 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSaturday, 31. August 2013, 01:43 12 years ago
    check the video encoding tips@here written by David (BigStans) the article isn't quite finished but it explains the recommend format, some programs for encoding/converting & some recommended settings etc...

    video is very unstable in vs3.7.1 but it has been reworked & updated for next release wink


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by gustySaturday, 31. August 2013, 12:46 12 years ago
    AFRLme: Little offtopic, I'm sorry but what is your guess about compatibility with 3.7.1 and let's say 3.8? I mean, would I be able to open the .ved file I made in 3.7.1 in the newer version of Visionare without the problem?

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  • #4, by afrlmeSaturday, 31. August 2013, 13:32 12 years ago
    AFRLme: Little offtopic, I'm sorry but what is your guess about compatibility with 3.7.1 and let's say 3.8? I mean, would I be able to open the .ved file I made in 3.7.1 in the newer version of Visionare without the problem?

    yeah .ved from 3.7.1 should work fine in 3.8 - it's always been the case with each version apparently, although occasionally you might have to edit something to fix it (in case some action part has been changed/replaced etc) & if there's always the possibility that they would make a conversion tool - if required - like they did from 2.x to 3.x versions. Finally, there may also be an alternative project file format in the next release besides the current .ved one.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by UmonSaturday, 31. August 2013, 15:23 12 years ago
    Thanks AFRL,

    Unstable video atm doesnt sounds very good, but i will try the tips out of the link you posted.
    I know is hard to answer but how far away is the next release?
    Any chance for a release this year?
    The plan was to use a lot of videos so if i cant really use them, this would not be very good.
    And again... whats about 2.5D? I know ... but just want to ask again grin


    80 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeSaturday, 31. August 2013, 16:12 12 years ago
    next release should be ready some time this year hopefully (with rate they are currently working on it) wink

    I can't say anything about 2.5D... no idea if it will be ready for upcoming release or a future release... the whole point in next release is to go cross platform with additional new features & bug fixes.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by UmonSaturday, 31. August 2013, 21:22 12 years ago
    More platforms and features sounds great smile

    There are still a lot of other things to do so i am not in a hurry, and sounds like it doesnt takes more then a few month till the next version is here.
    I move the charakters to the end then and use a single render pic as placeholder, and maybe 2.5D is here before i am ready, if not who cares i managed to fit the pre rendered models into the scene. Ok takes more time and looks sometimes a little strange but it will work mostly. grin

    Thank you for this info ARFL


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