text only scene

  • #1, by quentin-ayralWednesday, 27. February 2019, 12:19 6 years ago
    Hi everyone !
    i'm new to visionaire, ive watched a lot of tutorial but couldnt find what i needed for this issue...

    i would like to start my game by a scene without character, only text been displayed, with precise time, and some  option of dialogue sometimes, like a little interactive prelude for setting the character before starting the aventure.

    If you guys and girls have any tips, i'll be super happy !



    6 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 27. February 2019, 13:45 6 years ago
    You don't need to have a characters on scenes. You can use the display narration text action part for displaying text without requiring a character. That will allow you to specify the font & position of the text too.

    1. create an at begin of scene action under the actions tab, for the scene in question.

    2. use display narration text (insert ptags to control the duration of the display narration text action parts, unless you are planning on adding voice over recordings, then don't bother) & pause action parts to insert pauses/delays between action parts.

    https://wiki.visionaire-tracker.net/wiki/Displayed_Text -- see here for more information on displayed texts & ptags.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by quentin-ayralWednesday, 27. February 2019, 17:18 6 years ago
    thank you !
    but i think i wasnt very clear on my issues...
    my probleme wasn't really how to have text, but to make it start all by itself without player action, but after a certain time,  i can't find any action to pause or wait for a determined amount of seconds.

    like : 10 sc black, player can't do anything but :
              a text appear, the player click and and another one appear, the player click...

            5 sc of player have to wait

            a piece of text you can choose between few exemple...
    and so until the end of the scene.

    my main issue are how to timed different action in the same object, and how to make that actions starting without direct action by the player (after a certain amount of time, after crossing a specific invisible part of a map....)

    if you have link or whatever on that smile

    Thanks again !


    6 Posts

  • #4, by quentin-ayralWednesday, 27. February 2019, 17:32 6 years ago
    ok i've just understood the <p2.5> that you can put in your text,
    took me time to get that you put it directly with the text....

    thanks smile

    so my last issue is Action triggering without players smile


    6 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeWednesday, 27. February 2019, 19:04 6 years ago
    Hmm, it's p2500ms not p2.5 - it's safer to use ms (milliseconds). & yeah, you put ptags at the end of the text/sentence.

    What do you mean by "action triggering without players"?

    edit: ah ok, just noticed your other post. you can use the PAUSE action part. It will set a pause/delay between the previous action part & the next action part. They are best used in conjunction with begin/end cutscene wrappers or hide/show cursor wrappers to disable player interaction.


    7285 Posts

  • #6, by quentin-ayralWednesday, 27. February 2019, 19:58 6 years ago
    i think i've just find out....
    there the "at the beginning of the scene" option in the Actions panels of the scenes.
    for  this precise need its perfect.
    (im surprised i didnt see it on any of the tuto 've seen the last few days)

    turned out, the answer was inside me all this time...
    Thanks again !


    6 Posts

  • #7, by quentin-ayralWednesday, 27. February 2019, 20:28 6 years ago
    Since we're here.... Last thing, promise...

    any idea on how to make multiple choice dialogues ?

    when you can choose 3/4 different sentence to choose, and each have their own action and text inside ?

    Do i have to create object with the sentence as a PNG or we have option to do that directly in visionaire ?


    6 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeWednesday, 27. February 2019, 22:01 6 years ago
    Visionaire has a built in dialog system - or you can build your own if you don't want to use the traditional text based choice dialog system.

    1. create a background image for your dialogs. assign it to the dialogs area section of your playable character. setup scroll arrows, dialog area & all that stuff.

    2. here's the unintuitive part... you need to create the dialogs on the npc (none playable character) characters instead of the playable character. so select one of your npc characters, open up the dialogs section & create a new dialog. You can now create dialogs, assign conditions, values, actions, etc. I'm not going to go into detail about it as there's too much to cover, & I'm personally not a fan of the built in dialog system as it's a bit too old school for my liking - in other words: not very customizable, but it should be enough for most peoples needs.


    7285 Posts

  • #9, by ren-schneeTuesday, 22. October 2019, 19:55 5 years ago
    I would like to add a question to that: tried to start the scene in black, show the titel and fade into the scene. Right now i've got it like this:

    Start color overlay (black, 2000ms, visibility 100)
    Narration(background):titel of the scene<p2500ms>
    Start color overlay (black, 500ms, visibility 0)

    But it seems i'm missing something in here. The text is not showing up, hiding behind the color overlay.


    7 Posts

  • #10, by esmeraldaWednesday, 23. October 2019, 08:46 5 years ago
    Yeah, as far as I know, color overlay affects everything, including text and interfaces.
    How about the "cheap" method: using a black background as first scene, show the text and then fade to the new scene?

    Key Killer

    525 Posts

  • #11, by ren-schneeWednesday, 23. October 2019, 15:54 5 years ago
    I'm still limited to 10 scenes, trying stuff with the engine. I'm trying to find a better way then. Thougt i'm doing something wrong in the order of stuff.


    7 Posts