Text action functions

  • #1, by adventure-birdMonday, 18. December 2017, 20:38 7 years ago
    The most common action I used til now is the output text for charactor action.

    Longer dialog sequences I splited into own text actions.
    I also have seen that it is possible to use the <p> seperator to split it in one action.
    But the display time doesn't work correct for me.
    Is there an overview which elements can be used in a textblock? Are there more elements like <p>? 


    25 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianMonday, 18. December 2017, 22:13 7 years ago

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeMonday, 18. December 2017, 22:33 7 years ago
    <p> on it's own is an indefinite pause. It requires the text to be manually skipped. All of the display text related stuff is in the link Sebastian shared (above). I believe it's up to date as I updated the page for 4.x & nothing has changed with it since.


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