Szene neu laden nachdem Spielstand geladen wurde/ reload scene after starting saved game

  • #1, by SmooshiepoofSaturday, 07. May 2016, 13:26 9 years ago
    ich habe das Forum durchsucht, aber keinen Thread gefunden, es tut mir leid, falls schon einer existert.

    Mein Problem ist, dass wenn ich einen Spielstand lade, die Maus, der Char und alles andere geladen wird, aber wenn ich dann ein Item aus dem Inventar nehmen möchte, Szene verlassen möchte, etc, nichts passiert.
    Ich muss immer den Umweg gehen und meine Landkarte über die Tastatur öffnen und dann auf die Szene zurückwechseln, damit alle Items etc wieder agierbar werden.
    Ich benutze das Load/Save menu aus dem Tutorial und es funktioniert eigentlich wunderbar. Ausserdem habe ich auf jeder Kulisse einen Autosave eingebaut wenn die Szene geladen wird.
    Weiß jemand einen Rat?

    I've searched the forum but didn't find a thread, so sorry if there's already one exisiting.
    My problem is, that when I load a saved game, the cursor, the char and everything else is loading but when I try to use an item from the inventory or try to leave the scene, etc, nothing happens.
    I always have to load the worldmap via keyboard and switch back to the scene so that all the items and objects are available again.
    I use the load/save menu from the tutorial and I also made a autosave function on every scene when it's been loaded.
    Does anyone got an advice for me?
    (Sorry for my poor english x3)


    14 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSaturday, 07. May 2016, 13:44 9 years ago
    Don't worry about your English, it's fine. wink

    Are you using the same save files while working on the development of your game? Save files created prior to any new changes, scene objects, conditions, new content in general added to your project may no longer be valid as they will unlikely contain information relevant the any new things you have added, removed or edited in your game. Old save files sometimes cause conflict issues.

    While working on your game, you really need to delete your save files each time you launch the game, so that you only end up with save files for the current session. Hopefully you can understand what I've just written? smile


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by SmooshiepoofSaturday, 07. May 2016, 13:52 9 years ago
    well yeah I use the saved files which I create while working on the game. And I got a lot of them lately. Problem is, that I have a gameplay for around 2 hours now, and if I want to check if the latest changes are really working it would be annoying (at least for me) to go through the entire game to see if they work.
    If I get it right you say that I really have to delete all the save games and only keep the last save? Sorry if I missunderstood it


    14 Posts

  • #4, by sebastianSaturday, 07. May 2016, 14:06 9 years ago
    could it be possible that some kind of interface or interface object polygon is still "above" the whole screen?

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  • #5, by SmooshiepoofSaturday, 07. May 2016, 14:21 9 years ago
    I'm not sure if I understand it properly, the interface is loading too when I start the saved games.
    I just tested:
    When I load the game, the objects are still unusable but it works (without reloading) if I click on an interface button.


    14 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeSaturday, 07. May 2016, 14:37 9 years ago
    Probably a conflict issue.

    My suggestion for testing purposes is to create an interface & create some buttons & actions that allow you toggle which scene you want to display & what conditions / values should be.

    Development & debugging is complicated.

    & no I was referring to only using save files generated during your current play session. Save files contain encrypted xml data for all the scene objects, values, conditions, positions & so on of everything in your game, which means that when you update the ved file with new content or edited content that the engine may be trying to read information that no longer exists or never existed to begin with, thus causing conflict issues. It does depend on what you have changed since the save file though.


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by SmooshiepoofSaturday, 07. May 2016, 15:21 9 years ago
    Okay I found out that it has to do with my standard command of the interface.
    I changed it to normal leftclick on some objects, and those objects work perfectly after loading the file. Seems that something is wrong with my command grin
    Thank you both for helping me! I'd never be able to solve that problem without your help!
    And I'll make sure to delete saved games I won't need anymore :3


    14 Posts

  • #8, by sebastianSunday, 08. May 2016, 00:34 9 years ago
    You could try to set the command to standard before executing the save.
    By that the command should be the standard command after loading...

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  • #9, by afrlmeSunday, 08. May 2016, 00:52 9 years ago
    I don't think the current command should matter really. I'm pretty sure that it would default to the standard command after loading a game anyway?

    Have you specified the standard command via the interface properties tab? Do you have interface buttons set to "command" type that shouldn't be commands? Do you have multiple interfaces active at the same time that contain any buttons set to "command" type? You should only have one interface active at any time that contains command type buttons. All other buttons should be set accordingly... inventory slot (for item placement), arrow for scrolling inventory, action area for everything else.


    7285 Posts

  • #10, by SmooshiepoofSunday, 08. May 2016, 12:09 9 years ago
    You could try to set the command to standard before executing the save.
    By that the command should be the standard command after loading...

    tried that way but didn't work out. I added the 'set command' in each scene now at thee beginnning and it's working perfectly x.x

    I specified it via the interface proberties tab (followed the visionaire tutorial back then), there's always one interface working. Maininterface or Inventory and each got its own commands.


    14 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeSunday, 08. May 2016, 12:20 9 years ago
    I was talking about buttons set to "command" type inside of the properties tab for each button.

    You should only have one single interface that contains commands, because it can cause conflict issues as I recently reminded myself when I created some new interfaces for a mini-menu in-game & forgot to adjust their button type. It ended up messing up my interfaces & prevented them from being hidden or manipulated when I changed scene.


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