Stand animation of NPC that chase not playing-

  • #1, by nenad-asanovicMonday, 03. July 2017, 23:34 8 years ago
    I have sort of a problem with animation of character who chase my main character. 
    When chase start all works and walk animations work as they need to. But when my main character stops somewhere on scene NPC that is chasing him also stops. And that mean it does go to first frame of NPC stand animation but it doesn't play actual animation.
    So situation is simple... I just wanna NPC stand animation playing when that NPC is not walking (while both of characters are standing instead of walking). 


    59 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianMonday, 03. July 2017, 23:52 8 years ago
    Thats odd. It should normally play the stand animation. Im not sure whats wrong here . By the way the char also will not play random animations while chasing because he is actively following someone.

    You could try out the script in this thread to deal with both problems ...

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  • #3, by nenad-asanovicTuesday, 04. July 2017, 02:29 8 years ago
    I am not worrying about random or character animations at this point... I would just wanna normal stand animation plays when NPC chase main character... What i find very weird not to do automaticly since walk animations work as charm (and b4 anyone ask, yes i do have animation for standing for that NPC it has 14 frames yet it only show first frame when they are not walking). Anothing thing is that animation starts to play just one moment b4 that NPC start chasing and then it goes to walk. Once they both stop, again just first frame is shown...


    59 Posts

  • #4, by sebastianTuesday, 04. July 2017, 07:52 8 years ago
    normally this should not occur unless this is a bug... 

    Do you have any scripts which get triggered in the first animation frame or via definitiin scripts in general where you lock the frames to start/stop = 1 ?

    Does it only happen after you start the chasing? 
    Does it work again when you stop the chasing? 

    Thread Captain

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  • #5, by nenad-asanovicTuesday, 04. July 2017, 11:56 8 years ago
    No i don't have scripts that would trigger this bug, Actually There are no scripts at all in this moment in game. 

    Yes it happen when chase start and i tested it, after i give command to stop chase (triggered ingame) then that NPC standing animations work... Strange right?


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