SpriteFont Generator

  • #1, by nabeelaejazTuesday, 08. April 2014, 17:40 11 years ago
    I saw this on Construct 2 Forums, so I thought this might be useful for Visionaire as well. https://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=86546&start=0


    18 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 08. April 2014, 18:41 11 years ago
    Looks interesting. smile

    I believe Simon is possibly already looking into updating the font system at some point.


    7283 Posts

  • #3, by nabeelaejazThursday, 10. April 2014, 04:38 11 years ago


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  • #4, by afrlmeThursday, 10. April 2014, 12:41 11 years ago
    I believe Simon was looking into this.


    7283 Posts

  • #5, by SimonSThursday, 10. April 2014, 14:04 11 years ago
    Freetype is just a library for rendering from ttf/otf, I was looking into making a runtime generator from ttf/otf, so also chinese, korean and japanese could be used, because premade sprites cannot be used for them. Also it makes things a helluva lot easier.

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  • #6, by afrlmeThursday, 10. April 2014, 14:30 11 years ago
    well either way it sounds better than the current font image map system.


    7283 Posts

  • #7, by nabeelaejazThursday, 10. April 2014, 19:26 11 years ago
    Great to know you are looking into it. My personal experience is that Gamemaker's Font System in its editor is the best I have come across (in any game development tool/sdk) yet. Its ease of use and integration is flawless. Please do also have a look into it for some examples and inspiration. Thank you for all the good work looking forward for version 4 (full edition).


    18 Posts

  • #8, by SimonSThursday, 10. April 2014, 19:42 11 years ago
    Are you talking about these options? http://docs.yoyogames.com/source/dadiospice/001_advanced%20u... For now it looks like we will have a generate option, that would be looking some like this, but I don't think I do that with ranges, just with a text string as it is now. The other option is, that you just put in a ttf and use that at runtime, so all characters in this ttf can be used.

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  • #9, by unrealSaturday, 16. August 2014, 03:27 10 years ago
    For mac users there is :



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  • #10, by LebosteinSunday, 18. January 2015, 17:58 10 years ago
    What are the requirements for a font image? What I have to do, that the following image is imported correctly for examle? I have seen some line markers in the example game font. Thanks. (No words in the official manual for that)

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  • #11, by gustySunday, 18. January 2015, 18:40 10 years ago
    Check out this great tutorial by Redspark:

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