Sprecher gesucht (and a few nasty problems)

  • #1, by ShyralonWednesday, 27. November 2013, 21:34 12 years ago
    Hi ich bins mal wieder.
    Das erste Kapitel meines Spiel "Project Otherworld" nähert sich langsam der Fertigstellung und da bräuchte ich jetzt ein paar Leute, die sich gerne als Sprecher versuchen würden. Erwartet jetzt nix großes, das ganze ist ein Hobby und Lernprojekt mit grade mal 7 Kulissen und 5 Charakteren.
    Hier wäre mal der Trailer zu dem Spiel:
    Ich würde mich trotzdem freuen, falls nen paar Leute Lust dazu hätten, selbstverständlich werdet ihr auch in den Credits als Sprecher erwähnt. Der Umfang ist aufgrund der Größe des Spiels auch nicht so riesig.
    Ich bräuchte:
    - Spielcharakter (Männlich, relativ jung und normal klingende Stimme (also nicht kindlich, so wie nen Anfang 20 Jähriger vielleicht)
    - Gastwirt (Männlich, freundlich, evtl eher teifere Stimme?)
    - Stadtwache (Männlich, genervt/gelangweilt klingend)

    Die Eigenschaften sind nicht soo wichtig, nur ne grobe Idee, ich bin froh wenn überhaupt jemand Lust dazu hat grin

    Second part in english for everyone:

    I still have a few nasty bugs in my game and no ideas how to fix them:

    - I made a loading/save menue simliar to the one in the GlenFX tutorial. However, when I load a saved game, the inventory disappears.
    I have set the actions to "load savegame" and after that "show inventory", but it doesn't help.

    - Is there a way to use "ä" "ö" and "ü" with visionaire? Do i have to create an entirely new font for that?

    -When the game is finished, I want to show the credits as a video. To do so I set the action after all conditions to finish the game are true to "play movie" and selected the creditsmovie. This does work, but there's no "transition" between that, it's a very hard and quick cut, is there a way to blend the current scene out and blen the playing video in so the transition is a bit smoother?

    That's all for now, thanks for your help grin


    36 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeThursday, 28. November 2013, 00:18 12 years ago
    I'm not sure about the save thing... could be something you have done wrong or it could be an object you created has corrupted or something else entirely... have you checked the messages.txt & visedit.txt files found in your project files root folder (where you've saved the .ved project file) to see if it lists any errors?

    you just have to add the letters to the font area for your text in same order as your text/font image thingy. check the vs demo game font setup as that has the "ä" "ö" and "ü" letters.

    as for the video thing...
    you could just create an overlay (animation) that is same size as your game default resolution & just fade it in/out as required? or alternatively a much simpler method would be to create a new (menu) scene & change to that for playing videos. it will automatically fade in/out & you can also - if you want - change transition effects & timing via action parts too.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by ShyralonMonday, 16. December 2013, 21:55 12 years ago
    I'd like to push this thread with a new question/problem:
    Changed the save/load system, now using autosave, the the inventory-doesnt-show-when-loading-problem is no problem anymore. But of course theres a new one:
    Im using a startmenue with music playing.
    For the first scene in the game theres other background music, which is carried on on all other screens.
    No the problem: when i do the load autosave and i'm not in the first screen, it continues playing the startmenue music (of course, since I said it should continue the previous music)..
    So how would you say visionaire, that it's supposed to continue the music for every new screen except when i'm coming from the startmenue?
    Thanks alot grin
    Btw, still looking for (german) voice actors..


    36 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeMonday, 16. December 2013, 22:58 12 years ago
    instead of using the carry on music from previous scene option just assign the same music file to each of the scenes that use that music; if it is the same music file as previous scene then it will carry on playing the music without restarting... currently this is best method.

    in the upcoming version of VS, we have some new Lua script options for the new sound engine which allow you to control the audio more dynamically... amongst these scripting options is one to get & set the offset (current playtime in ms) of x sound which means that technically you could save the name of the currently playing track/sound, as well as the playtime, volume level & balance etc into variables or values that you can resume from on game load.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by ShyralonMonday, 16. December 2013, 23:07 12 years ago
    Thanks a lot, works fine grin


    36 Posts

  • #6, by afrlmeMonday, 16. December 2013, 23:14 12 years ago
    no problem smile


    7285 Posts

  • #7, by ShyralonTuesday, 17. December 2013, 19:16 12 years ago
    Next question:
    I want to show the names of all objects I can interact with on the current seen while I'm holding the space key.
    Tried it with the general key assignment, but I don't find the right action part for it...
    Finetuning right now grin


    36 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeTuesday, 17. December 2013, 19:21 12 years ago
    you mean show the names over the objects same as you would do for an hotspot icon?


    7285 Posts

  • #9, by ShyralonTuesday, 17. December 2013, 19:22 12 years ago
    Yes exactly, but only while the space key is pressed grin


    36 Posts

  • #10, by afrlmeTuesday, 17. December 2013, 21:34 12 years ago
    game tab > key input: "space"
    scene > fade "snoop" animations in/out (fade in)


    game tab > key input "space (released)"
    scene > fade "snoop" animations in/out (fade out)

    you assign the hotspot animation to each object by clicking on the object & then going to the "effects" tab & then you need to link to an animation to be used for the hotspot icon for that object & then set the position of the icon on the scene below.


    7285 Posts

  • #11, by ShyralonTuesday, 17. December 2013, 22:53 12 years ago
    I'm not sure if we are talking about the same thing..
    I don't want to show an icon, only a text, for example in a scene where's a rock and a tree, while pressing space there should just be a text "rock" and a text "tree" below (or somewhere else, not as important as the text itself for now) the actual object, so you know which things you can interact with.
    In "The book of unwritten tales" they use a similar system.


    36 Posts