Resolution = desktop steht bei mir in der config.ini und das Notebook hat exakt 1920x1080 als Auflösung. Interessanterweise hat die Einstellung im Kompartibilitätsmodus funktioniert. Das kann aber nicht die normale vorgehensweise sein, oder?
What size is your laptop? I don't mean the resolution. Also does it recommend setting your laptop display to 1920x1080?
As I already mentioned, the most common resolutions for laptops (15.4") are 1366x768 & (17") 1600x900. Anything higher than that & the laptop probably has high DPI scaling to fill in the pixels or whatever high DPI thing does. 1920x1080 is native resolution of a 23" to 24" monitor not a 13" netbook nor a 15-17" laptop.
P.S: just because your display adaptor can go up to x or y resolution on your laptop or pc monitor doesn't mean that you should necessarily use that resolution.