Slush - a Quest for Glory

  • #1, by ScubidubiWednesday, 19. March 2014, 19:22 11 years ago
    So this uh.. is the introduction of my project.
    My first project using Visionaire Studio.

    I do not want to spoil a lot .. like anyone else I want the plot to feel fresh and undiluted.
    So I keep it rather short:

    Pete is a young yeti in search of his holy grail - slush.
    That's why he sets out on his quest to find one on Yeti Island.
    A place hosting girl scouts, hipster penguins, frustrated nerds, cosplayers and anthroposophic bears.

    While I usually draw a lot with my bamboo tablet, i chose to go with vector images for this project.

    yeah..that's about it for now.


    best regards

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  • #2, by afrlmeWednesday, 19. March 2014, 19:45 11 years ago
    sounds fun, looks nice smile

    the only thing I am not keen on really is the giant inventory in the top right corner... I think it would be a lot nicer if you had it fade/slide in when player hovers mouse somewhere near the top of the screen. Just takes up a lot of screen space - much like the old retro text command interfaces.


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  • #3, by ScubidubiWednesday, 19. March 2014, 19:48 11 years ago
    I think the slide out uses lua right?

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  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 19. March 2014, 20:17 11 years ago
    can be done with Lua or via values & jump to x action part in-editor. Daedalic actually made their interfaces (deponia etc) slide in/out via a mixture of both editor action parts & Lua script. That method did not really make much sense to me & thus I wrote this.

    in-editor you could do something like...

    let's say I have an interface I want to slide in from the top. The interface is 200px high & so I have set the default absolute position of the interface to -180; leaving a 20px overlapping back into the screen - you don't have to leave an overlap as you can just add a blank object or button or something which triggers slide in/out on mouse over/out or left click (immediate).

    1. create a value "int_pos" & set the initial value to "-180"
    2. create a condition "int_slide" & set default value to "false"
    3. create a called by other action "open_interface" containing...
    if condition 'slide'
     if value 'int_pos'  < 200
      execute script ' see code block below '
      value 'int_pos' + 1
      pause 100ms
      jump 5 action part(s) backwards
      change condition 'slide' to false
     end if
    end if 

    local int = getObject("Interfaces[interface_name]")
    local pos = int:getPoint(VInterfaceOffset)
    int:setValue(VInterfaceOffset, {x = pos.x + 1, y = pos.y})

    4. create a called by other action "close_interface" containing...
    if condition 'slide'
     if value 'int_pos'  > -180
      execute script ' see code block below '
      value 'int_pos' - 1
      pause 100ms
      jump 5 action part(s) backwards
      change condition 'slide' to false
     end if
    end if 

    local int = getObject("Interfaces[interface_name]")
    local pos = int:getPoint(VInterfaceOffset)
    int:setValue(VInterfaceOffset, {x = pos.x - 1, y = pos.y})

    5. on mouse over trigger object or interface set slide to true & call "open_interface" action
    6. on mouse out set slide to true & call "close_interface" action

    I have not tested this... It's a complete guess off the top of my head.


    7283 Posts

  • #5, by ScubidubiWednesday, 19. March 2014, 22:05 11 years ago
    For real? You made this up in your head?? You must be a robot lee! I'll try it tomorrow smile

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  • #6, by afrlmeWednesday, 19. March 2014, 23:04 11 years ago
    For real? You made this up in your head?? You must be a robot lee! I'll try it tomorrow smile

    most of the scripts & examples I write in the forum are often off the top of my head... which is why I usually say untested or something along those lines & more often than not they have a few bugs razz

    here are some verified working scripts & visionaire studio related functions. - a lot more to come!

    P.S: the stuff in the code blocks above are editor action parts; only the code inside of ' these ' on the execute a script action part is Lua script. I had to include Lua there to force the interface into a new position, as there is no action part for repositioning the interface.


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  • #7, by ScubidubiFriday, 21. March 2014, 12:52 11 years ago
    thanks a lot smile

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  • #8, by ScubidubiSaturday, 22. March 2014, 11:53 11 years ago
    To rule out misunderstandings i have added an "a" to the subtitle of my project.
    I have been informed by Denis (Problem) that sierra had a series by that name. As a lukasarts kids I never played a lot of those I have to admit. Decisions: Nintendo or Sega, Coke or Pepsi, frontside or backside ... Pizza or Pizza. You get the idea.
    Since everything started with the main character Pete, he has gotten the least work overs and attention of all. So this is my reworked version MK II of Pete. Going back to animating..YAY.

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  • #9, by afrlmeSaturday, 22. March 2014, 15:52 11 years ago
    Technically I don't think they can say anything about your working title as it's "Slush - Quest for Glory" & not "Quest for Glory: Slush"

    new character design looks quite fun although not too keen on the dark jumper or skull icon thing. Something a bit lighter so you can add some shade/tone to the jumper would be better & a tree or something else would be more apt. smile


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  • #10, by ScubidubiSaturday, 22. March 2014, 16:12 11 years ago
    It originally was a black t resembling the shirt from day of the tentacle.

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  • #11, by ScubidubiSaturday, 22. March 2014, 16:15 11 years ago
    But maybe i will get some inspiration watching some more gravity falls smile

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