SLIPMAN : A Short Adventure Game in Underwear

  • #1, by MathieuTuesday, 17. December 2013, 18:26 11 years ago
    Hi everyone !

    Since I discovered the existence of Visionaire, the world has changed smile
    I am very happy to create my own adventure game.

    So I started my own game: Slipman. It's almost half of development.
    And I take the creation of this post to ask questions about the development.
    You can follow the progress of the project on this tumblr:

    I hope you enjoy it!

    Thank you and sorry for my english smile



    39 Posts

  • #2, by denis-Wednesday, 18. December 2013, 08:26 11 years ago
    Looks very funny! Hope you finish it quickly! grin


    74 Posts

  • #3, by curiousbearWednesday, 18. December 2013, 20:06 11 years ago
    That seems quite interesting! Keep it up, and I'l be sure to check it when it's out


    9 Posts

  • #4, by MathieuFriday, 20. December 2013, 19:33 11 years ago
    Thank you guys ! I hope to finish early next year.

    I've got a problem with the action area.
    I was wondering if I could put a condition on an action area? Or make it disappear for a while ?


    39 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeFriday, 20. December 2013, 19:38 11 years ago
    yes you can add if queries to the action area to determine if it should be triggered or not wink


    7285 Posts

  • #6, by MathieuFriday, 20. December 2013, 19:44 11 years ago
    How how how do I do that? smile please let me know


    39 Posts

  • #7, by MathieuFriday, 20. December 2013, 19:52 11 years ago
    ah ok I found the trick smile thanks


    39 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeFriday, 20. December 2013, 19:58 11 years ago
    I assume you are talking about an action area created on the way system section? if so then inside of your "character enters area" just add an if query: if condition "some condition" is true... add some actions ... end if

    you can use if queries for pretty much anything... on mouse enter/leave, on execute some action etc... they are very useful for deciding what should happen.


    7285 Posts

  • #9, by GlenfxSunday, 22. December 2013, 00:49 11 years ago
    Looking really good and interesting, love the character's walk cycle. smile


    72 Posts

  • #10, by MathieuSunday, 22. December 2013, 16:30 11 years ago
    Thank you very much Glenfx and AFRLme, your tips and tutorials help me a lot !

    Glenfx, the walk cycle is the first thing of the game I created. smile
    I like very much too, thank you.


    39 Posts

  • #11, by MathieuThursday, 06. February 2014, 11:24 11 years ago

    it's been long time that I did not give news about Slipman.
    The game is still in development, I begin to see the end of the tunnel, within a month or two I think the game will go into testing.

    You can see the progress of the game and some new screenshots here:
    I hope post a gameplay video soon.

    thank you and see you soon!


    39 Posts