Show text during character animation?

  • #1, by paraboleeMonday, 20. July 2015, 06:10 10 years ago
    I am trying to have my character say something while performing an animation. But once the show text action is performed it over rules the played animation with the talk animation appropriate for the direction the character is facing.

    Anything obvious I am missing to achieve this?



    45 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianMonday, 20. July 2015, 08:47 10 years ago
    i think you can solve that via the animation index:

    Thread Captain

    2346 Posts

  • #3, by afrlmeMonday, 20. July 2015, 11:35 10 years ago
    Displayed text automatically triggers the associated characters talk animation. Narration text will not trigger the talk animation, but it will not automatically be positioned above the characters head. You could try enabling the display as background text option for the character which will allow you to control the character still (walk, etc) or you could try creating the animation you want it to play under the talk animation group & changing the animation index (as Sebastian.204 said) just before executing the display text action part, or you could create another outfit with that animation as the talk animation & swap to that outfit before executing the display text & then back to the previous outfit afterwards. Take your pick.


    7285 Posts

  • #4, by paraboleeMonday, 20. July 2015, 20:47 10 years ago
    Thanks guys! Worked great! Achieved it with a outfit switch.

    If I was going to use the animation index, how do you assign a index number to an animation?


    45 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeMonday, 20. July 2015, 21:17 10 years ago
    Animation index only applies to non-character (manually started) animations. i.e: walk, talk, idle & random. If you create multiple animations for the same direction for those 4 categories then they will get assigned to a new animation index. If I remember correctly index value of 1 is the default value.


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