Searshing tutorials about LUA / Ilios

  • #1, by steph-j-6128Monday, 24. April 2023, 00:23 A year ago

    I would like to learn how to use LUA and Ilios on Visionaire Studio but I didn't found clear tutorials.

    I only found 2 videos about LUA on turbomodus youtube chanel but it's in German with no subtitles and I didn't found anything about Illios.
    I saw technical pages on the wiki but it doesn't exlpain clearly how to do things.

    Where could I find good documentation or videos to learn this ?

    Also, it's not clear for me if LUA and Ilios are complementary or if I can use one or the other according to my preference.

    Thank you


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  • #2, by TinTinMonday, 24. April 2023, 07:54 A year ago

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  • #3, by steph-j-6128Sunday, 30. April 2023, 19:03 A year ago
    Hello, thank you!

    I already seen this one but I was stuck at point 5 (console doesn't appear on my computer).
    I found errors messages about missing ttf files when I click on debug icon and press F5 and I think it's linked.
    I will check on macOs version if I have the same issue (I'm on Linux version of Visionaire).

    I finaly watch Turbomodus videos about LUA. Althrought it's in german I think I understood the basics and it explains where to find informations about data structures.

    It is usefull to learn Illios if I prefer LUA? It is a question of choise or could it be usefull to know both? (I'm not a big fan of graphic dev)

    Thank you


    17 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeSunday, 30. April 2023, 19:53 A year ago
    Ilios is a new & unique scripting language to Visionaire Studio language that Simon is still working on. It's based on C# & the visual scripting system that he's working on is one of the reasons why he decided to create a custom scripting language.

    I don't know whether or not you need to learn that over Lua script, as that will depend on what your intentions are in regards to scripting...

    Do you just want to access & manipulate the data structure tables & premade functions &/or write some basic workflow functions yourself? If the answer to that is yes, then Lua script is fine, but if you need to write much more complicated scripts than that - still technically possible with Lua script, as I've written plenty of table based puzzles with it & various other things including a dynamic word parser for text input & simulated DOS, etc.- then you might want to consider looking into ilios, but documentation & tutorials for that is currently limited as it's an original scripting language that's exclusive to VS & thus not that many people have started looking into how to use it yet - myself, included as I've not found a reason to use it over Lua script, yet.


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  • #5, by steph-j-6128Sunday, 30. April 2023, 20:00 A year ago
    Thank you for the explanations!
    This is clearer to me now smile


    17 Posts

  • #6, by dionousSunday, 30. April 2023, 20:31 A year ago
    Ilios is mostly useful if you want to make physics based games or minigames, it has access to the Box2D framework. With Lua you don't have such access. Also Ilios is an object oriented language, more suitable for advanced game development than Lua.

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  • #7, by steph-j-6128Sunday, 30. April 2023, 20:59 A year ago
    Thank you!
    I will test Ilios then smile

    And I confirm that Linux version of Visionaire is buggy : it's impossible to open console.
    I tried on macOs and it works.


    17 Posts

  • #8, by dionousSunday, 30. April 2023, 21:13 A year ago
    It all depends on what you want to do as Afrmle mentioned. If you want to make a point and click, Lua should be enough. If you are looking for more advanced games you would need Ilios.

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  • #9, by steph-j-6128Sunday, 30. April 2023, 21:23 A year ago
    For the moment I'm not sure I will need it but if it offer advanced options I would like at least to test it.
    Now that I understood why I was stuck on point 5 I will continue the Ilios tuto on Dionous website smile


    17 Posts

  • #10, by steph-j-6128Monday, 01. May 2023, 00:22 A year ago
    Just another note about my issue with Linux version : I downloaded Windows version an ran it on linux with Wine and it works better than the native Linux version!

    Linux version is an AppImage pack. That mean it's a pack with all dependancies included and it should works on every distribution without issue.
    If it's not the case, there is something missing on the pack and it should be fix by the author.


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  • #11, by afrlmeMonday, 01. May 2023, 00:28 A year ago
    I don't know anything about that or Linux - can't stand Linux myself - but I can tell you that it's probably the least stable version of the VS editor as it's a more recent addition compared to Windows & Mac. Windows is the most stable out of the 3 as VS originally started out as a Windows only app.


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