scene import from Aseprite problems

  • #1, by fallacies_fallaciesSaturday, 02. January 2016, 02:54 9 years ago
    I'm using a mac. When I import a background image for a scene, the image is just a messy blur of random coloured pixels. I've tried with multiple sizes. Please help.


    25 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianSaturday, 02. January 2016, 15:08 9 years ago
    In what format do you export the image? Does it show correctly in image viewers?

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  • #3, by fallacies_fallaciesSaturday, 02. January 2016, 18:41 9 years ago
    Thanks for the reply.

    I'm trying with .png files and yeah, the images show up properly in every other program. It seems like the same problem this guy was having.


    25 Posts

  • #4, by tristan-kangSaturday, 02. January 2016, 18:46 9 years ago
    Is your image 8 Bits or 16 Bits or 32 Bits?

    VS only accepts 8 Bits.

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  • #5, by fallacies_fallaciesSaturday, 02. January 2016, 19:03 9 years ago
    Pretty sure Aseprite uses 8 bit.

    "Aseprite is a sprite editor that features animation, pixel art drawing and editing, and exporting into gamedev-friendly formats. Aseprite is a large, feature-rich program that offers many excellent features for making 8 bit sprites, including layers, sprite previews, and preset palettes. Aseprite costs $10, and there is a free trial version."

    Any other way I can double check this?

    Thanks again everyone.


    25 Posts

  • #6, by sebastianSaturday, 02. January 2016, 19:20 9 years ago
    could you post such an wrong rendered image?
    We all here then could try to add this image on our VS and see if its a OS related, Version related or whatever problem.

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  • #7, by fallacies_fallaciesWednesday, 06. January 2016, 01:45 9 years ago
    Hey sorry for the delay and pardon the sample art. I don't really want to upload any images that I plan on using just yet. Here is the image as a .png, and a few screen captures to show that it works just about everywhere except in visionaire.

    Thank you.


    25 Posts

  • #8, by tristan-kangWednesday, 06. January 2016, 14:32 9 years ago
    I think the problem is related to your game's default resolution rather than image itself.

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    267 Posts

  • #9, by fallacies_fallaciesWednesday, 06. January 2016, 19:03 9 years ago
    I've tried in multiple resolutions with both the image and the game settings. I don't really understand why that would cause a problem like this, though admittedly there is quite a bit I don't understand as I'm a noob.


    25 Posts

  • #10, by marvelSaturday, 09. January 2016, 10:31 9 years ago
    I think it might has to do with the export settings in Aseprite. It is probably a specific or higjly compressed type of PNG images that cannot be used with Visionaire Studio.

    Please go and try a different software like Adobe Photoshop. This is pretty much of a standard software for image works... and there are even free versions available. smile Most of the game developers use Photoshop and I don't know of any problems with its PNG Export.

    Key Killer

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  • #11, by SimonSSaturday, 09. January 2016, 11:45 9 years ago
    Can you send me your raw png ? What you uploaded is working in Windows.

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