Saving/Loading question

  • #1, by magiclightFriday, 21. September 2018, 10:36 6 years ago
    What is saved when I save a game ? besides current scene, active characters and so on I assume all conditions and values are also saved ? is the runtime context of any LUA scripts saved ? I mean can I write LUA code so that data is saved and restored by the save/load infrastructure or should I use conditions and use them from code for everything I want to be persistent in LUA code also ?


    13 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeFriday, 21. September 2018, 12:21 6 years ago

    Pretty much everything is saved into the save files, from all character positions, various different character properties, scene properties, all values, all conditions, Lua variables too - there's too much stuff to list.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by magiclightFriday, 21. September 2018, 13:15 6 years ago
    Thanks, thats fine, I can pretty much assume that everything is saved for now, that's the answer I wanted.


    13 Posts