#30, by SmooshiepoofSunday, 21. August 2016, 09:34 8 years ago
great, I found it finally. Thank you so much! Not sure why the manual save isn't working anymore though... shouldn't the files be saved there too? I know in VS 3.7 the saved games folder was in the same folder as the whole game
#32, by afrlmeSunday, 21. August 2016, 14:00 8 years ago
The reason the save files & log files & config is now located in appdata is so that users don't accidentally delete their savefiles if they decided to uninstall the game. I'm not sure why it has to be in appData persay as documents/games/ would be equally as good of a place to store game save & config files - would be easier to access too.
Would you be willing to share your ved & resource files with me so I can take a look or a video or something to show me exactly what you have done & what's happening?
#34, by afrlmeSunday, 21. August 2016, 16:20 8 years ago
Aye, some profiles aren't showing up for people on VS forum at the minute for some reason. Can send me the link to my email address if you like? afrlme at outlook dot com.