savegame problem

  • #1, by pdsTuesday, 14. July 2015, 17:54 10 years ago
    when i click the savegame button it exit from the game. anyone know why?


    55 Posts

  • #2, by sebastianTuesday, 14. July 2015, 18:10 10 years ago
    any details on how you configured the button would be nice smile

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  • #3, by pdsTuesday, 14. July 2015, 18:27 10 years ago
    well it's a simple object area with left click action-->save game


    55 Posts

  • #4, by afrlmeWednesday, 15. July 2015, 00:02 10 years ago
    Did you actually create save game slots using the "create and edit save game areas" tool in the toolbar (the icon is a floppy disc with red dotted square border) for menu scenes? Simply creating an object & an object area does not not create a save slot. That only takes care of the actions you want to execute on the save slot.


    7285 Posts

  • #5, by pdsWednesday, 15. July 2015, 08:08 10 years ago
    yes i have done like you say for the savegame area, then i done a button with left click action save, but when i click on it, simply the game interrupt.


    55 Posts

  • #6, by pdsWednesday, 15. July 2015, 08:13 10 years ago
    Here what i have done


    55 Posts

  • #7, by pdsWednesday, 15. July 2015, 10:15 10 years ago
    any idea?


    55 Posts

  • #8, by afrlmeWednesday, 15. July 2015, 13:54 10 years ago
    Does VS give you the option when it crashes to create an error report & dump (dmp) file? If so, then you need to locate that file & send it to either David (BigStans) or SimonS via PM.

    Could you also check the messages.log file after it crashes to see if it printed any relevant errors.



    7285 Posts

  • #9, by pdsWednesday, 15. July 2015, 15:27 10 years ago
    no, it don't give me that kind of option, i have any bug report or similiar.

    where i can find messages.log file?


    55 Posts

  • #10, by afrlmeWednesday, 15. July 2015, 16:14 10 years ago
    Launch your game via the editor. While game is running, press TAB on your keyboard to open up the developer console. Now type:
    exec print( localAppDir )

    then press ENTER. Now type:

    then press ENTER. It will open up the log file in an overlay. You can navigate between the log pages with PAGE UP & PAGE DOWN keys on your keyboard. Look for a line that contains a path along the lines of: c:/users/..., that will be where the messages.log file will be located along with any save game files that get created. It is also where your config.ini file should be created if you decide to manually script your own config.ini.

    So er yeah, anyway... after you've find out where the log file is, run the game as before & repeat the steps you took to cause the crash, then go & check what the log file says.


    7285 Posts

  • #11, by pdsWednesday, 15. July 2015, 16:49 10 years ago
    ok, i follow your instruction,at
    the log page i have only this message:
    16.41.48: Error: can't open file " (error 0:operazione completata.)

    operazione completata->completed operation

    it seem that i have not local file in my PC,
    should i reinstall visionaire
    or it si only a limitation for the demo product?


    55 Posts