Returning user - what's the future for Visionaire Like?

  • #1, by doggiedaveSunday, 26. February 2023, 11:32 A year ago

    I am beginning a new project and noticed that the download page only has a test version for Windows and it is dated over 12 months ago.

    I was wondering what the future holds for Visionaire? Is there continued updates coming? Is there a version 6 in the works?



    3 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeSunday, 26. February 2023, 15:47 A year ago
    A'llo, that's not correct. Last update was in August. I think the dates just most likely aren't being updated as those will probably be from when the pages were originally created, as opposed to when they last modified.

    VS is still in development. Getting more & more versatile with each update, as the aim is to try & expand VS so that additional game genres can be created with it. We also have an active community of regulars on   Discord. & the wiki is currently actively being worked on & updated.

    Drop into the Discord server & say hi, if you have any more questions - though it is sunday today, so don't expect many people to be active.


    7285 Posts