Resign IPA (iOS file) to get game working on ipad

  • #10, by patolandFriday, 01. January 2016, 12:43 9 years ago
    Thanks Dilated, i'm aware of that, but i'd like to have a confirmation from someone who actually get the thing working because it has been a nightmare to me since day one...(it never worked on iphones). I'm still crossing my fingers. Anyway, thanks so much for your answer, dude.


    23 Posts

  • #11, by monomoFriday, 08. January 2016, 23:20 9 years ago
    Would be great to get some visionare documentation or tutorial for the whole IPA-Export and how to embed your Apple-Certificates. A small Export-App that merges your IPA-File with the Certificates kinda like "iResign" would be awesome.


    2 Posts

  • #12, by patolandSaturday, 09. January 2016, 09:13 9 years ago
    Absolutely, the lack of clear information is really disappointing, specially after buy a license...


    23 Posts

  • #13, by marvelSaturday, 09. January 2016, 11:14 9 years ago
    Currently we've had some imporant "distractions" like diplomas, Davids wife getting a baby, Christmas and more. But we will try to provide a better documentation soon. I will try to help on it.

    A couplu of games have already been released for iOS - like A new Beginning, Whispered World or The Jan Böhmermann Adventure. So yes, its doable wink

    Key Killer

    598 Posts

  • #14, by SimonSSaturday, 09. January 2016, 11:44 9 years ago
    I'm sorry that it's not easier...

    Let me try to walk you through:

    open a terminal, install biplist (may ask for your password):
    sudo easy_install biplist

    Now list the certificates (alternatively open the key management and get the id there): --list

    This should plot something like this EFAFAEFEHFIEHFHAOFHAEIFHEOFAIFHOIEOIF, if your certs are installed.

    Now edit your config.ini (use XCode, the editor will mess up your quotes), uncomment everything down:

    ios_embedded.mobileprovision = iOSTeam_Provisioning_Profile_.mobileprovision
    generate_macappstore_pkg = False
    entitlement_overwrite = False
    entitlement_app-sandbox = False
    info_plist_overwrite = True
    info_plist_icon = #icon here
    info_plist_CFBundleDisplayName = Your Game Name #name here
    info_plist_CFBundleName = Your Game Name #name here
    info_plist_CFBundleExecutable = Your Game Name #executable name here! must match!
    info_plist_UIDeviceFamily = [1, 2]
    info_plist_CFBundleIdentifier = net.yourbundleid.appid #change this to something like com.coolgamestudios.gamename
    info_plist_CFBundleLocalizations = ['de', 'en'] # languages supported
    info_plist_CFBundleGetInfoString = Your Game Name Copyright  {COPYRIGHT SIGN} {YEAR} CompanyName. All rights reserved. # copyright string
    info_plist_NSHumanReadableCopyright = Copyright {COPYRIGHT SIGN} {YEAR} CompanyName. All rights reserved. #same again
    info_plist_LSApplicationCategoryType = #category, will probably be this one
    info_plist_CFBundleVersion = 1.0
    info_plist_CFBundleShortVersionString = 1.0.1

    If you're through editing, save it. Copy your build ipa to the folder and then execute: -c config.ini -i visplayer.ipa

    Good luck!

    Thread Captain

    1581 Posts

  • #15, by patolandSunday, 10. January 2016, 09:21 9 years ago
    Thank you so much, i understand that there's a life 'beyond the engine' i also had 3 kids myself, so go figure. That's exactly one of the reasons because practical tutorials and info are crucial. There's so much to do and almost no time...Maybe you should put in clear in your advertisement page that the ios exports are not ready yet, because they're not. Anyways, i'll give a try to Simons explanations (thank you so much!!!).


    23 Posts

  • #16, by fulviovMonday, 11. January 2016, 04:01 9 years ago
    I have just tried this, and I get this error when I try to run vsresign:

    ./ -c config.ini -i my_game.ipa 
    ~ INPUT : my_game.ipa
    ~ INPUT Platform : my_game.ipa
    ~ INPUT Config: config.ini
    ~ Cleanup tmp directory
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "./", line 178, in <module>
        plist = biplist.readPlist(plist_file)
      File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/biplist/", line 109, in readPlist
        result = reader.parse()
      File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/biplist/", line 215, in parse
        return self.readRoot()
      File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/biplist/", line 227, in readRoot
        if not is_stream_binary_plist(self.file):
      File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/biplist/", line 192, in is_stream_binary_plist
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seek'

    Forum Fan

    119 Posts

  • #17, by patolandSaturday, 09. April 2016, 09:56 8 years ago
    Hello! Did anyone finally succeded into make an ios export to iphone or ipad?? tnx!


    23 Posts

  • #18, by monomoSaturday, 09. April 2016, 10:44 8 years ago
    Nope.. The app copys over to the ipad and then installs forever. A real export tool would be nice, instead of the terminal/python hack. roll


    2 Posts