#1, by DilatedWednesday, 18. November 2015, 05:16 9 years ago
Hey guys, has anyone had any experience with resigning their visionaire IPA? I've spent a day trying to resign my IPA with no avail. I've tried all sorts of stuff, tried to do a work around via pc, that didn't work. Managed to get my hands on an older Mac OSX version (Lion) then used Iresign, however I get the error
/var/folders/97/7wp95fds6h359lt2ygh_zmsh0000gn/T/com.appulize.iresign/Payload/Visionaire Player.app: a sealed resource is missing or invalid
In architecture: armv7
Really want to get a test build on my ipad to see if it works, can anyone help? Much love in advance if anyone has played with it yet.