Resign IPA (iOS file) to get game working on ipad

  • #1, by DilatedWednesday, 18. November 2015, 05:16 9 years ago
    Hey guys, has anyone had any experience with resigning their visionaire IPA? I've spent a day trying to resign my IPA with no avail. I've tried all sorts of stuff, tried to do a work around via pc, that didn't work. Managed to get my hands on an older Mac OSX version (Lion) then used Iresign, however I get the error

    /var/folders/97/7wp95fds6h359lt2ygh_zmsh0000gn/T/com.appulize.iresign/Payload/Visionaire a sealed resource is missing or invalid
    In architecture: armv7

    Really want to get a test build on my ipad to see if it works, can anyone help? Much love in advance if anyone has played with it yet.

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  • #2, by sebastianWednesday, 18. November 2015, 18:19 9 years ago
    Hmm has ipa signing something to do with exporting the visionaire app?

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  • #3, by DilatedThursday, 19. November 2015, 02:06 9 years ago
    Yeah. Basically it wont work on the ipad unless it has proper certifications and some other elements. The file you get from visionaire wont work otherwise.

    You get these by purchasing an apple dev account and going through some steps. Then you now need to resign the file that visionaire spits out (IPA) however I've been getting specific errors which are out of my grasp.

    Unfortunately there is no official Visionaire documentation on how to do it. Just a lot of trial and error and research so far.

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  • #4, by sebastianThursday, 19. November 2015, 11:40 9 years ago
    I found this in the internet'
    Maybe it helps

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  • #5, by DilatedThursday, 19. November 2015, 11:55 9 years ago
    Thanks mate. Although it also needs a certificate, as well the provisioning profile, and one other thing. I've got an app that resigns it, but I get the above error. Hopefully I can find someone who has managed to do it grin

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  • #6, by BigStansFriday, 20. November 2015, 00:17 9 years ago
    Hi, the resign tool was now ready for iOS smile
    Just clone, config, and resign it smile

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  • #7, by DilatedFriday, 20. November 2015, 08:23 9 years ago
    Hey thanks Big Stans!

    Alright so I started trying to figure this out today.

    So starting from not knowing anything about Python at all, it took FOREVER to figure it out but almost got there haha.

    I didn't get it working properly, but I want to leave some notes for future people if they find this thread.

    The script is written in Python 2 not 3. So it has some syntax errors. I fixed them manually (Missing parenthesis on print commands) and ConfigParser is configparser.

    However! after all the work, script wont work on PC. DON'T ATTEMPT IF YOU AREN'T ON MAC!

    Otherwise you will get this error

    C:\vsresignmaster>python -c config.ini -i visplayer.ipa
    Error: codesign binary not found. Install XCode and commandline tools.
    Error: unzip not found. Cannot run without the unzip utility present at /usr/bin
    Error: zip not found. Cannot run without the zip utility present at /usr/bin/zip

    Error: sips not found. Cannot run without the sips utility present at /usr/bin/s
    ~ INPUT : visplayer.ipa
    ~ INPUT Platform : visplayer.ipa
    ~ INPUT Config: config.ini
    ~ Cleanup tmp directory
    ~ Cleanup tmp directory

    (The script is looking for mac file locations and programs)

    Side note for future readers: You also need an apple developer account to get all the certifications etc before you attempt this.

    Anyway, I'm going to attempt to get a friend to do this on their MAC. Would be great if we could get some process on the wiki. I ll be more than happy to help write it if I manage to get it working.

    Thanks again big stans.

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  • #8, by BigStansSaturday, 21. November 2015, 11:36 9 years ago
    Yes, it's for MacOS, because you need an mac for Codesigning (with an Apple developer account to get the cert).
    Then easily config the config.ini file like the example. And run it smile

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  • #9, by patolandThursday, 31. December 2015, 14:09 9 years ago
    Hi!! After long hours trying to compile for ios and lots of frustration i gave up on Visionary a few months ago. Now i see that there's some progress thank you to BigStans and other folks.
    The question is: it's finally possible to export using BigStans script, a playable version of a visionary game into ios (8 or 9) ? If so, could you be so kind to brief the process.
    Thank you so much!!!


    23 Posts

  • #10, by DilatedFriday, 01. January 2016, 05:57 9 years ago
    Hey Mate,

    It definitely possible, especially since Deponia is on the app store now.

    Personally I do not have a MAC so I have not been able to do it myself yet, but basically you need to get an apple developers account, get the required certificates required to resign an IPA then you run the Python script on your Mac. Once resigned you will be able to use it on an ipad or whatever.

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  • #11, by patolandFriday, 01. January 2016, 12:43 9 years ago
    Thanks Dilated, i'm aware of that, but i'd like to have a confirmation from someone who actually get the thing working because it has been a nightmare to me since day one...(it never worked on iphones). I'm still crossing my fingers. Anyway, thanks so much for your answer, dude.


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