Realistic character scaling in scene

  • #1, by Raven SingularityTuesday, 25. April 2017, 02:44 8 years ago
    Working on my first scene with an animated character, a background image, and some way borders -- all working fine.

    Now I would like to be able to scale the character smaller as they move into the background.  Is Visionaire-Studio able to handle this perspective change realistically?

    Realistic meaning that a "deep" background such as a large football field would take a long time for the character to walk across or through.


    If the character is in the background at the top of the grid, and walks along the red line can it take 3 times as long as walking along the front 1 screen red line?

    Or can VS only change the size of the sprite, and not the perspective in the scene?


    18 Posts

  • #2, by afrlmeTuesday, 25. April 2017, 04:02 8 years ago
    I think the character is supposed to move slower the smaller they are by default, but not 100% sure, just something I think I recall Alex or Simon saying. You could of course adjust the speed of the character manually too with action areas or even Lua script.

    As for scaling, I recommend only scaling on the y-axis & preferably only adding the scale values to a way path you create outside of the way border itself as opposed to adding the scale values to any way path points inside of the way border.

    Take note of the vertical way path line I created outside of the way border. I created 4 points. I use 4 points to create a safe area, so that the character doesn't start scaling unless they go below or above a certain point... in my case the bottom 2 values equal 95 & the top 2 equal 85 - ish.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, by Raven SingularityTuesday, 25. April 2017, 06:39 8 years ago
    Thanks for the reply.  I will poke at it and see how it behaves.


    18 Posts

  • #4, by Raven SingularityWednesday, 03. May 2017, 00:58 8 years ago
    When I created way points outside of the level (to the left), and set the sizing, it works fine within the GUI preview.  It goes smaller as you move the mouse up, larger as you move it down.  But it has no effect when I run the game, the character remains in fixed 1:1 size.

    What am I missing?

    I'll look for documentation...


    18 Posts

  • #5, by afrlmeWednesday, 03. May 2017, 01:25 8 years ago
    Check the properties tab for the character. There's an option called "scale character", make sure this option is enabled.


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