Question about VISIONAIRE

  • #10, by SCUD24Wednesday, 05. November 2014, 22:46 11 years ago
    Short of doing all this work for your own enjoyment, is there any market for a game that uses a parser engine?


    28 Posts

  • #11, by afrlmeWednesday, 05. November 2014, 22:47 11 years ago
    Actually Lua script is pretty similar to C, C++, & Javascript etc. Some of the syntax is a little different, but it's probably piss easy to pick up compared to c++.

    -- single line comment
    -- function (global)
    function function_name(vars)
     return vars
    -- if query
    local a = 10
    if a < 10 then
    -- table (global)
    tbl = {1, "two", "three"}
    print(tbl[2]) -- would print "two" to log file
    tbl = {one = 1, two = "two", ...}
    print(, tbl["one"]) -- would print 1, 1 to the log file
    tbl = {}
    tbl[1] = Objects["object_name"]:getName()
    tbl[2] = 4
    tbl[3] = "hello"
    tbl[4] = "world"
    print(tbl[3] .. " " .. tbl[4]) -- would print "hello world" to the log file
    tbl = {}
    tbl["x"] = 2
    tbl["y"] = 4
    print(tbl["x"] * tbl["y"]) -- would print 8 to the log file (2 x 4)
    -- etc...

    I've actually started a beginners guide to lua on the wiki. I recommend staying away from the wiki the day though as I'm currently messing about with the code for it.


    7285 Posts

  • #12, by Adventurer4LifeWednesday, 05. November 2014, 23:42 11 years ago
    I am a pure hobby game maker. I have no interest in "getting into the industry" or selling my game. I will release as freeware. Still even so, I think that there is a growing appreciation of the classic retro style games. A strong story based adventure game done right in this method would attract players from the adventure community as well as other "older" gamers. As far a legit ideas for a indie game goes, I think there could be a market for it if done right.


    9 Posts