Pixel art question

  • #1, by ygmantellMonday, 17. August 2015, 15:25 10 years ago
    When importing my pixel art into Vis, do I have to scale up my pixel art beforehand, or will the "Pixel Style" checkbox take care of that?

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  • #2, by Simon_ASAMonday, 17. August 2015, 15:57 10 years ago
    I think it's better if you prepare your own pixels at the good size. The checkbox will give a general and unified pixel style to the whole game, but you'll have no control on the size of the pixels. It's just to give an old-school style everywhere in the game.

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  • #3, by ygmantellMonday, 17. August 2015, 17:11 10 years ago
    Ok, Thanks.

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  • #4, by sebastianMonday, 17. August 2015, 18:05 10 years ago
    i do the other way around. serring the games resolution low and makinh the images 1:1 pixelart and tiny.
    When playing the game in fullscreen everything gets scaled up. pixelstyle checkbox and nearest neighbor for magni-/minification in gamesettings

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  • #5, by ygmantellMonday, 17. August 2015, 18:16 10 years ago
    I did the pixel art in 256x144 (scaled down from 1280x720). Am I able to fit it into the 320x200 option and have it scaled up when in full screen that way?
    Ps. I figured i would scale that up, then make the resolution 1280x720 within Vis.

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  • #6, by sebastianMonday, 17. August 2015, 18:19 10 years ago
    you can also change the game resolution to that size, even if it ia not selectable. Just open the explorer with ctrl+e / cmd+e and search in the game options for the resolution entry whichbyou can then manipulate freely.

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  • #7, by Simon_ASAMonday, 17. August 2015, 18:27 10 years ago
    Yeah Sebasian is right: you can personalize your resolution in the explorer. Go in the menu Tools/Explorer (or ctrl+e just as he said). In eGame, click on "+" and you will see in the list "GameWindowResolution". Simply change X to 256 and Y to 144, and everything will run exactly like you want.

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  • #8, by ygmantellMonday, 17. August 2015, 18:38 10 years ago
    And if the resolution is like that, then my character sprites can go unscaled, or do I need to change something with that too?
    Also, (stupid question) if the resolution is that small, it will still be able to run in full screen and look like it should, right? Because it is pixel art, pixelation wont occur.

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  • #9, by Simon_ASAMonday, 17. August 2015, 19:21 10 years ago
    I don't know, I have never worked with pixel art, so it's better to make your own tests. Import your picture in VS and run in fullscreen. Shouldn't take very long.

    But Sebastian will probably know better than me, so wait for his reply maybe?

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  • #10, by sebastianMonday, 17. August 2015, 21:53 10 years ago
    Yes. imagine that your set resolution and all its objects and chars in the displayed 256x144 window gets scaled up at once to fullscreen. Big pixels but lovely!
    Your Character itself can also scale inside the scene so that he gets smaller in far away places and bigger if closer to the player/screen.
    Because the "normal" resolution is 256x144 it uses this as the basis for the magnification and minification. So no "half of a pixel in the background is still visible when the character is scaled a bit down)".
    The only thing to consider is that scaling the character inside a scene in so low resolutions looks kinda ugly... So keep in mind: the less pixels you make your game resolution, the less use character scaling because then you are controlling pixelchunks razz

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  • #11, by ygmantellMonday, 17. August 2015, 22:02 10 years ago
    I am doing a sidescrolling game, so no up/down scaling needed.

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